Ships At Sea تحتوي على محتوى غير مصنف وقد لا يكون مناسبًا لجميع الأعمار.
Why Early Access?
Ships At Sea is a vast world, and we have many ideas that we would like to implement to provide the best ship simulation experience. We realized that working directly with our community is the best way to achieve this goal. With Early Access, we receive valuable feedback and collaborate with our fans at every step of the development cycle.
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
Depending on player feedback and how much content we choose to integrate into the final game, it may take one to two years.
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
Our primary objective is to improve and enrich the ship simulation experience continually. During the Early Access phase, you can expect a steady flow of new content, including the gradual introduction of larger vessels from tier/class 3 to tier 5, as well as the inclusion of new gameplay mechanisms and duties tailored to each career path, including cargo transport, service operations, and commercial fishing pursuits. Our goal is to have a total of 16 distinct ships in the final version of Ships At Sea. Additionally, we intend to add new features such as co-op functionality, cross-platform play to enhance the multiplayer experience further, and an extensive crew system and skill tree.
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
All of the core features and gameplay for the game have been completed as planned. The single-player and multiplayer modes are fully functional. The game has two harbours where players can interact with various shops to purchase tools for missions, food for fish farming, fishing gear, and sell their catches. The shipyard will be available for players to rig, upgrade, maintain, purchase, and sell their ships. The game will launch with seven fully modelled and functional ships, providing players with diverse vessels to explore, navigate, and operate. Gameplay elements such as longline, jigging, and net fishing are integrated, and service missions include rescue boats, tow boats, and sea marker or fish farm repair. Basic crane and cargo transport are functional. Each player will have their boat and will need to complete their tasks independently. The UI elements are functional as well. For instance, players can interact, customize their character, interact with the shops, and rig or upgrade their ships in the shipyard. Additionally, the GPS map and the logbook are accessible and functional. The game is currently about 60% complete, with many minor bugs still existing, and some areas require more polish, balancing, unfinished level design, and UI elements that need to be completed.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
There will be no price increase during the Early Access version. However, the price will be adjusted once the full version is completed.
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
Our primary communication channel with our community will be our Discord server #suggestions chat channel. Players are welcome to suggest new features and modifications there.