What is Early Access?

Early Access gives you the opportunity to be among the first to play through the game and put us both in a unique position -- you to provide our team with important feedback at FiveSmoothStones.club (يفتح في علامة تبويب جديدة) on features, functionality, etc., that could shape the first chapter of the “SPIRIT CASTOR ” franchise, and other franchises to come. Additionally, your participation in the Early-Access program will financially support the finalization of this indie game while it is nearing the end of development, and it will spur on the continued development of other video game storylines waiting in the queue.

Can I provide feedback and bug reports?

Yes. We encourage you to provide feedback and report any functionality or bugs you encounter at FiveSmoothStones.club (يفتح في علامة تبويب جديدة) .

Will the price change when the game leaves Early Access?

Both the base game and soundtrack add-on are set at a modest price. No price change is anticipated after release.

How long will the game be in Early Access?

Our goal is that the game will not be in Early Access for long. Lord willing, a few weeks, if not sooner.

What is the current state of the game?

“SPIRIT CASTOR: A FATHER’S TRUST (CHAPTER ONE)” is nearing completion. We are working nearly around the clock in anticipation to soon have a final release. We are in the final test phase, fixing bugs, and adjusting game component.