Why Early Access?
The game is going into early access for several reasons. For developers it is a great opportunity to get feedback from users and turn the development vector in the right direction. And for users - a great opportunity to try out the game without spending a lot of time waiting for the release. In addition, due to the New Year theme of the game, I believe that the release should take place in winter.
How long will this game be in early access?
It's hard to say about the timing. I think it may take from several months to a year.
How will the planned full version differ from the Early Access version?
As we work on the game, we plan to improve the graphics and add full voice acting. Implement additional mechanics such as the ability to decorate your apartment with Christmas decorations, expand the selection of fireworks, add new character animations and adjust the old ones. Add new mini-games and increase the number of game days. Work on full deep optimization, get rid of all bugs. And most importantly add a co-op mode.
Will my progress be saved during updates?
Yes, unless there is talk of any global changes.
Will the price change when the game leaves early access?
The price will not increase as we work on the game, but we plan to increase the price when the full version is released.
Can I provide feedback and bug reports?
Of course, you can do this in any way convenient for you.
What is the current state of the game?
The game is currently in a working state. It can be played. So far, 4 game days have been realized in the game. There are save points available. You can save at any moment, except for the beginning of the second day and the end of the third day. A shopping center location is available. The voice of the characters is partially present. Voice-over is under development. The game is more than half optimized.