Realife Simulator enthält Inhalte ohne Altersfreigabe und ist möglicherweise nicht für alle Altersgruppen geeignet.
Why early access?
"Realife Simulator is a self-funded and ongoing project that is not yet ready for full release. But we are eager to collaborate with players to learn about their interests in order to move forward. Early access is ready and we regret to inform you that there is no full version yet. We will continue to improve the current version with player feedback. Our team is not very large at the moment, but we aim to become a larger audience in the future."
How long will this game be in Early Access?
"Estimated 5/6 months early access period"
How different is the Early Access version planned to be from the full version?
"Realife Simulator is intended to be more than just a conventional role-play game; it aims to be the first Roleplaying platform that enables multiple countries to exist within one game and increase our player count to over 100 players per server. What we're looking to add in the future is a new system where you can create your own server and be an admin. With the modding tools you will be able to try to add whatever you want to add. We are thinking of adding real country maps, realistic vehicle physics and brand new professions. We plan to do these."
What is the current status of the Early Access version?
"The player will start with $500 when they enter the game. They can just rent a car and explore the city. And they can buy a few things from the supermarket and have a snack. They can also enjoy the dynamic atmosphere in the game."
Will the price of the game change during and after Early Access?
"We will raise the price after the early access ends, because we will bring more features and content after the full version of the game is released."
How do you intend to involve the community in the development process?
"Our community is already a part of the Realife Simulator game, you, our valuable players, will be able to send us the errors they experience on our discord and website. All you have to do is join them and it won't even take a few seconds."
What game modes are available now?
Currently, you can only rent a car in the open world and travel around, or buy things from the supermarket and try to survive.