Airoheart contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
29 Achievements
1000 XP
After all that...
You found a deceased Cartwright
20 XP0% of players unlockChockers
You sent Brucie some new customers
50 XP0% of players unlockCousins? Brothers?
You met all members of the Notap family
20 XP0% of players unlockDestiny, or Coincidence
You cured Plato and spoke to him on Mount Comito
50 XP0% of players unlockFauntastic
You finished all Faun encounters
50 XP0% of players unlockKaaaay!
You said 'Hello' to Kay
20 XP0% of players unlockMagical, Invisible Storage. As Usual
You purchased all 3 inventory upgrades
20 XP0% of players unlockMaximum Mana
You acquired all Mana Orbs
50 XP0% of players unlockMellowed Fellows
You saw all sleeping creatures
20 XP0% of players unlockOdds and Ends, That Sort of Thing...
You acquired all Trinkets
50 XP0% of players unlockOnly Casuals Heal
You found the Rune of Vitality
20 XP0% of players unlockPerformance Enhanced
You beat Philo in a running race
20 XP0% of players unlockPossibly Chosen
You obtained a blessing from each of the Five Primaries
50 XP0% of players unlockProbably For The Best
You broke all of Lod's Kobold Eggs
20 XP0% of players unlockPurist
You finished the game without killing any Rodents
60 XP0% of players unlockSatisfying
You killed 4 Mini Slimes with one bomb
20 XP0% of players unlockSod Yourself
You got Grif arrested
20 XP0% of players unlockStoned and Alone
You rescued Rocky
50 XP0% of players unlockTastes Like HUD
You found all the Heart Melons
50 XP0% of players unlockThe Bottom of This
You gave the Memoirs of a Kobold to Mandy
20 XP0% of players unlockThe Brothers Dimm
You rescued the Dward Miner
20 XP0% of players unlockThe Case of the Rascally Rodax'
You acquired the Rune of Warding
50 XP0% of players unlockThe Perpetual Sweeper
You broke the Enchanted Broom's spell
20 XP0% of players unlockUpstream
You obtained the Bottle Of Light
50 XP0% of players unlockWasn't It Obvious?
You learned the truth about Simmons
20 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
100 XP0% of players unlock