29 Achievements
1150 XP
Use the Autodoc to install an Augment
15 XP52% of players unlockChallenge Accepted
Complete a Challenge
15 XP43% of players unlockChallenge Mastered
Complete 10 Challenges
15 XP24% of players unlockCybernetic
Fully upgrade an Augment
30 XP14% of players unlockCyborg
Install 15 different Augments in one run
30 XP0.4% of players unlockDestruction
Destroy KORE
60 XP2% of players unlockEden Heights
Clear Eden
30 XP9% of players unlockFully Modded
Install 3 weapon mods into a weapon
60 XP20% of players unlockHard Boiled
Complete the game on Hard difficulty
100 XP0.6% of players unlockHell Raiser
Complete the game on Hell difficulty
150 XP0.2% of players unlockInner Core
Clear the Inner Core
30 XP6% of players unlockIntegration
Integrate with KORE
60 XP5% of players unlockNanonic I
Install a Nanite Upgrade in the Cryochamber
15 XP41% of players unlockNanonic II
Install 10 different Nanite Upgrades
30 XP20% of players unlockNanonic III
Enhance a Nanite Upgrade to level 5
60 XP15% of players unlockOuter Core
Clear the Outer Core
30 XP8% of players unlockRipperdoc
Fully upgrade 3 different Augments
60 XP1% of players unlockRookie
Complete the tutorial
15 XP14% of players unlockStarship Docks
Clear the Docks
30 XP15% of players unlockSupply Run
Loot 30 Supply Crates
15 XP15% of players unlockTerminated I
Defeat 100 enemies
15 XP43% of players unlockTerminated II
Defeat 250 enemies
30 XP34% of players unlockTerminated III
Defeat 500 enemies
90 XP24% of players unlockThe Bigger They Are
Defeat 10 elites
30 XP12% of players unlockThe City
Clear The City
30 XP28% of players unlockTrickshot
Use 5 different Gadgets in one run
15 XP2% of players unlockUnlocked and Loaded
Unlock a weapon in the Armoury
15 XP39% of players unlockUp Close And Personal
Defeat 200 enemies using Melee attacks
15 XP9% of players unlockWeaponsmith
Unlock 10 weapons in the Armoury
60 XP0.3% of players unlock