Asphalt 8 - Car Racing Game
34 Achievements
1000 XP
Win an Elimination event
5 XP20% of players unlockASPHALT DEVOTEE
Have 500 Stars
50 XP0.1% of players unlockASPHALT GRANDMASTER
Have 900 Stars
100 XP0.1% of players unlockASPHALT NEWCOMER
Have 100 Stars
10 XP9% of players unlockCENTURION
Win 100 Multiplayer matches
50 XP0.1% of players unlockCLASSIC WIN
Win a Classic Race event
5 XP76% of players unlockCLEAN WIN
Win a race without using Nitro
10 XP5% of players unlockDRIFTING AWAY
Drift 100 km
20 XP0.8% of players unlockDRIFTING THROUGH LIFE
Win a Drift event
5 XP4% of players unlockFIRST BLOOD
Win a Multiplayer match
5 XP10% of players unlockFIRST ONE IN THE BAG
Beat Season 1
10 XP0.1% of players unlockFULLY ARMED
Fully upgrade 100 vehicles
100 XP0.1% of players unlockFURIOUS FIFTY
Win 50 Multiplayer matches
10 XP0.1% of players unlockHIGH FIVE!
Beat Season 5
15 XP0.1% of players unlockHIGH FLIER
Total 10 minutes of air time!
10 XP6% of players unlockJACK OF ALL TRADES
Win an event in each game mode
50 XP3% of players unlockKING OF THE GARAGE
Earn all Class-related collection achievements
100 XP0.1% of players unlockKING OF THE RING
Win 1,000 Multiplayer matches
100 XP0.1% of players unlockLAST MAN STANDING
Win a Knockdown event
5 XP11% of players unlockMANO A MANO
Win a Versus event
5 XP10% of players unlockMAX POWER
Fully upgrade 1 vehicle
5 XP0.5% of players unlockMULTI EXPERT
Win 500 Multiplayer matches
60 XP0.1% of players unlockNEW-RIDE SMELL
Buy a new vehicle
10 XP71% of players unlockNICE GUY
Come in last place
5 XP27% of players unlockNUT
Have 40 vehicles
10 XP0.1% of players unlockPERFECT NITRO!
Perform 50 Perfect Nitro boosts
5 XP17% of players unlockREADY TO RIDE
Fully upgrade 10 vehicles
10 XP0.4% of players unlockREADY TO ROAR
Fully upgrade 40 vehicles
50 XP0.1% of players unlockS IS FOR SUPERIOR
Own 15 vehicles from Class S
10 XP0.1% of players unlockTARGET ACQUIRED
Knock down the same vehicle 5 times in a single race
10 XP0.1% of players unlockTHE DESTROYER
Execute 500 Knockdowns
50 XP0.4% of players unlockTHE FINISH LINE
Complete all seasons
100 XP0.1% of players unlockWHO'S NEXT?
Execute 25 Knockdowns
5 XP23% of players unlockZOMBIE SURVIVOR
Win an Infected event
5 XP8% of players unlock