Blasphemous 2 may contain content not suitable for all ages.
Blasphemous 2
55 Achievements
1380 XP
A Leap of Faith
Lift the Curse of the Unforgiven.
20 XP33% of players unlockA Sharp Rendezvous
Reach the room of the Sentinel of the Emery in under 30 minutes.
50 XP2% of players unlockAcquired Taste
Unlock all Bile Flasks.
10 XP44% of players unlockActa, Non Verba
Find all of the Prayers.
10 XP20% of players unlockBlessed Incense
Unlock the true power of Veredicto.
10 XP28% of players unlockCanvas of Light and Time
Unlock Ending A.
50 XP23% of players unlockConsummate Collector
Find every item.
50 XP5% of players unlockDedicated Explorer
Reveal the entire map, including new areas.
20 XP0% of players unlockEdge of Orison
Unlock the true power of Ruego Al Alba.
10 XP37% of players unlockEmpty Handed
Purchase all available items in the shop in the City of the Blessed Name.
20 XP34% of players unlockFlawless Penance
After the first fight, defeat any boss without receiving damage.
50 XP7% of players unlockFull Devotion
Find all of the Rosary Beads.
10 XP19% of players unlockHide and Seek
Find all the hidden Cobijadas.
20 XP32% of players unlockHouse of Grief and Hatred
Complete all the battle challenges.
20 XP41% of players unlockMartyrdom
Complete 100% of the game.
100 XP0% of players unlockNo Cherub Left Behind
Free Próximo’s brothers.
20 XP35% of players unlockNobody Expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Kill every type of enemy.
10 XP31% of players unlockPost-Mortem
Unlock Ending C.
50 XP3% of players unlockSecond Pilgrimage
Reveal the whole map.
10 XP17% of players unlockSecond Psalm.
Unlock Ending B.
50 XP33% of players unlockSoledad
Unlock all of the Rosary Bead slots.
10 XP44% of players unlockStill Among Us
Find all of the hidden symbols.
20 XP14% of players unlockStorm of Death
Unlock the true power of Sarmiento & Centella.
10 XP22% of players unlockThe Anointed One
Kill 300 enemies using Veredicto.
10 XP51% of players unlockThe Finest Craftmanship
Unlock all slots in the Altarpiece of Favours.
10 XP45% of players unlockThe Merciless One
Execute 50 different enemies.
10 XP36% of players unlockThe Penitent Two
Unlock all the Achievements.
10 XP0% of players unlockThe Punished One
Kill 300 enemies using Ruego Al Alba.
10 XP44% of players unlockThe Veteran One
Kill 300 enemies using Sarmiento & Centella.
10 XP26% of players unlockThe Work of a Master
Bring every Remembrance to an artisan and turn them into Figures.
20 XP22% of players unlockThis is Blasphemy
Deal more than 250 damage with a single strike.
10 XP3% of players unlockTwisted is the Path of the Miracle
Hear the echoes of the past.
10 XP15% of players unlockWarrior of the Silent Sorrow
Unlock all Weapon Memories.
10 XP10% of players unlockWeight of Penance
Find all of the Figures.
10 XP18% of players unlockWelcome Back!
Fall into spikes and survive.
10 XP79% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP52% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP12% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP17% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP5% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP5% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP1% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP90% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP66% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP62% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP61% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP58% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP54% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP52% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP51% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP50% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP39% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP38% of players unlockHidden Achievement
50 XP5% of players unlockHidden Achievement
50 XP3% of players unlockHidden Achievement
100 XP4% of players unlock