27 Achievements
1000 XP
Carnage King
Destroy 3000 props. If it’s not nailed down, it’s in your path.
40 XP0% of players unlockCashing In
Earn $25,000 total.
35 XP0% of players unlockCautious Driver
Complete a level without destroying any props and achieve at least 2 stars. Who knew being careful could be so rewarding?
40 XP0% of players unlockDecked out
Obtain every accolade at least once! You’ve got more flair than a fully loaded delivery truck!
40 XP0% of players unlockDelivery Dynamo
Deliver 500 packages.
35 XP0% of players unlockFOXDIE
Die for the first time. Looks like the Carchipelago just got its own version of FOXDIE — just with more delivery mishaps.
35 XP0% of players unlockFirst Delivery
Congrats, you’re officially on the map!
35 XP50% of players unlockHigh Roller
Earn over $2000 in a single level! You’re making it rain in the Carchipelago!
35 XP0% of players unlockMaster courier
Complete all levels and prove you're the ultimate delivery driver.
40 XP0% of players unlockPackage Palooza
Deliver 1000 packages. If this was a reality show, you’d definitely be the star.
40 XP0% of players unlockParcel Pro
Deliver 200 packages.
35 XP50% of players unlockPeak Efficiency
Complete a level without letting any bonuses expire. You’ve maximized every opportunity and nailed efficiency!
40 XP0% of players unlockPerfect timing!
Jump over opening bridges 5 times in a single level. You’ve mastered the art of avoiding the gap — let’s hope the bridges appreciate your acrobatics!
35 XP0% of players unlockProperty Destroyer
Destroy 1000 props.
35 XP0% of players unlockRolling in the Dough
Earn $50,000 total. You could almost afford to pay for all those damages now!
35 XP0% of players unlockSmall Change
Earn $10,000 total.
35 XP0% of players unlockSplash Landing
Fall into the water while attempting to jump over a bridge. Sometimes, the best way to learn is to take a dive!
35 XP0% of players unlockStar struck
Achieve 3 stars on every level! You're not just delivering — you're dominating the Carchipelago!
40 XP0% of players unlockStop! What are you doing?
Throw a package into the water. Your delivery just took an unplanned detour!
40 XP0% of players unlockTeam Takedown
Cause all players in a co-op game to die at the same moment! Coordination at its finest—or its most chaotic!
40 XP0% of players unlockThink fast, sell faster!
Sell 5 packages in 5 seconds! Blink and you’ll miss it — your delivery skills are lightning fast!
35 XP0% of players unlockTimely Triumph
Achieve 3 stars before the clock turns red! Beat the deadline and show you’re a master of both speed and precision!
40 XP0% of players unlockWrecking Ball
Destroy 500 props.
35 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
40 XP0% of players unlock