Clash - Artifacts of Chaos
21 Achievements
1000 XP
Amokuali Tower
Reached the highest elevation point in the Northern Ruins.
15 XP27% of players unlockArmor Collector
Obtained 18 pieces of armor.
90 XP12% of players unlockArmored
Obtained 9 pieces of armor.
35 XP28% of players unlockBroken Reflection
Defeated Nightmare Gemini.
90 XP2% of players unlockCorwid Hill
Reached the highest elevation point in Corwid Territory.
15 XP14% of players unlockDeclawing
Defeated Claw.
35 XP63% of players unlockDreamwalker
Obtained 14 body parts for the night avatar.
35 XP10% of players unlockEnemies of Fate
Defeated the Director.
35 XP30% of players unlockFreedom
Defeated the Outcast.
35 XP26% of players unlockOmnia Vincit Amor
Defeated Gemini.
90 XP22% of players unlockOver the Moon
Defeated Moon-Sun.
90 XP31% of players unlockRed in Tooth and Claw
Defeated Nightmare Claw.
90 XP7% of players unlockStilt House
Reached the highest elevation point in the Salt Marshes.
15 XP16% of players unlockTarget Practice
Hit all targets with rocks while training at the parry machine.
15 XP48% of players unlockThe Bigger They Are
Defeated Wrehgg.
35 XP31% of players unlockThe Pride of Moozhaw
Created 5 weapons.
15 XP22% of players unlockTotal Eclipse
Defeated Nightmare Moon-Sun.
90 XP8% of players unlockVivid Dreams
Obtained 28 body parts for the night avatar.
90 XP3% of players unlockWinner
Defeated Axylon.
35 XP23% of players unlockYour Training Continues
Learned 4 special attacks other than the Spin Kick.
15 XP29% of players unlockYour Training Is Complete
Found all special attacks.
35 XP8% of players unlock