17 Achievements
1000 XP
Armor Upgrade
Craft an uncommon armor piece.
5 XP2% of players unlockArtisan Workshop
Build a tier 4 crafting station.
95 XP0% of players unlockFine wears
Craft a rare armor piece.
100 XP0% of players unlockHeart of Ambros
Cut down a Heartwood tree.
5 XP3% of players unlockI Am The Shield
Defeat a Gothkin during a town attack.
40 XP3% of players unlockIron Age
Craft your first iron tool.
20 XP0% of players unlockMaster Crafter
Reach a tier 4 skill in any category.
110 XP0% of players unlockMoonlight Mining
Get moonstone dust from mining moonstone.
75 XP7% of players unlockOnly The Finest Timbers
Cut down an Ellyonwood tree - the highest quality wood in Ambros!
190 XP0% of players unlockPerks Of Being Here
Activate a Perk in the skill tree.
5 XP0% of players unlockProfessional Workshop
Build a tier 3 crafting station.
10 XP0% of players unlockSkilled Crafter
Upgrade any crafting skill.
5 XP10% of players unlockStone Tools
Craft your first stone tool.
5 XP2% of players unlockThis is it!
Mine Ambrosite ore.
100 XP2% of players unlockThis is my spot now
Defend your first town attack.
200 XP14% of players unlockWeaponsmith
Assemble a weapon with a rare part.
30 XP0% of players unlockWorkshop Upgrade!
Build a tier 2 crafting station.
5 XP2% of players unlock