Cyberpunk 2077 may contain content not suitable for all ages.
Cyberpunk 2077
57 Achievements
1500 XP
All the President's Men
Save President Myers.
35 XP8% of players unlockAutojock
Buy all vehicles available for purchase.
30 XP1% of players unlockBreathtaking
Collect all items that once belonged to Johnny Silverhand.
30 XP3% of players unlockChristmas Tree Attack
Complete a Breach Protocol with a minimum of 3 daemons uploaded.
15 XP9% of players unlockCity Lights
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in City Center.
30 XP1% of players unlockDaemon In The Shell
Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies with one "Detonate Grenade" quickhack.
15 XP0.6% of players unlockDirty Deeds
Complete every Gig in Dogtown.
50 XP3% of players unlockEasy Come, Easy Go
Steal the Arasaka medical truck or deliver 10 vehicles to El Capitan.
50 XP3% of players unlockFrequent Flyer
Find all fast travel dataterms.
20 XP0.2% of players unlockFull Body Conversion
Install at least one implant in each system and body part.
15 XP10% of players unlockGreetings from Pacifica!
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Pacifica.
30 XP0.8% of players unlockGun Fu
Kill or incapacitate 3 enemies in quick succession with a revolver or pistol in close combat.
15 XP7% of players unlockGunslinger
Shoot an enemy grenade in midair with a revolver.
15 XP0.7% of players unlockI Am The Law
Complete all Cyberpsycho Sightings.
20 XP5% of players unlockIt's Elementary
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Watson.
30 XP0.9% of players unlockJudgement Day
Eliminate three bosses from the "Increased criminal activity" category.
50 XP2% of players unlockLegend of The Afterlife
Reach max Street Cred.
30 XP8% of players unlockLittle Tokyo
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Westbrook.
30 XP0.9% of players unlockMaster Crafter
Craft 3 Legendary items.
15 XP6% of players unlockMean Streets
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Heywood.
30 XP0.8% of players unlockMust Be Rats
Perform the Distract Enemies quickhack 30 times without drawing attention to yourself.
15 XP2% of players unlockRelic Ruler
Unlock all Perks in the Relic Perk tree.
35 XP1% of players unlockRight Back At Ya
Kill or incapacitate an enemy who threw a grenade at you.
15 XP11% of players unlockRough Landing
While Berserk cyberware is active, perform a Superhero Landing to kill or incapacitate 2 enemies.
15 XP0.2% of players unlockSpin Doctor
Complete “Run This Town”.
35 XP4% of players unlockStanislavski's Method
Use a dialogue option related to V's life path 10 times.
15 XP8% of players unlockTen out of Ten
Reach the max level in any skill.
15 XP3% of players unlockThe APB is Not Enough
Become Dogtown's most wanted criminal.
35 XP2% of players unlockThe Jungle
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in Santo Domingo.
30 XP0.9% of players unlockThe Quick and the Dead
Kill or incapacitate 50 enemies while time is slowed.
15 XP5% of players unlockThe Wandering Fool
Find all the tarot graffiti for the job Fool on the Hill.
30 XP4% of players unlockThe Wasteland
Complete all gigs and NCPD Scanner Hustles in the Badlands.
30 XP0.8% of players unlockThe World
Complete the main storyline.
90 XP7% of players unlockTrue Soldier
Kill or incapacitate 300 enemies using ranged weapons.
30 XP9% of players unlockTrue Warrior
Kill or incapacitate 100 enemies using melee weapons.
30 XP5% of players unlockTwo Heads, One Bullet
Kill or incapacitate 2 enemies with the same sniper rifle shot.
15 XP4% of players unlockV for Vendetta
After reviving with Second Heart, kill or incapacitate the enemy who killed you within 5 seconds.
15 XP1% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP3% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP6% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP5% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP7% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP9% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP8% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP9% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP6% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP0.9% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP3% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP3% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP7% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP1% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP3% of players unlockHidden Achievement
35 XP2% of players unlock