Delivery from the Pain:Survival
81 Achievements
1000 XP
2nd Chances
Rescue Avery in Big Brother's Condo
10 XP0% of players unlockAdamant
Loke Tricks Fail - Final Door Exit Barred VS Player
10 XP0% of players unlockAmazing Grace
Finish Game - ALL NPCs & Player Die or Escape
10 XP0% of players unlockAngel's Tread
Catherine RIP in Home Defense & Angel to Playe
10 XP0% of players unlockAvery Always
Finish Game - Avery Survives
10 XP0% of players unlockAvery Averted
Big Brother Condo - Avery Unaided - Player Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockBad Ending 1
Finish Game - Normal or Hard Difficulty.
10 XP0% of players unlockBad Ending 2
Finish Game - Nightmare Difficulty
10 XP0% of players unlockBad Ending 3
Finish Game - Worse Plot Ending & Escape Refused - Any Difficulty
10 XP0% of players unlockBehind Lurks
Loke Tricks Fail - ID Theft VS Player
10 XP0% of players unlockBest Laid Plan
See Loke at Automobile Factory - Loke Persuades Big Brother to accept Catherine
10 XP0% of players unlockBeware Monsters
Spider Queen VS Player - Stronger Monster Evade & Big Brother Met
10 XP0% of players unlockBig Bang & Small Gang
Power Plant Detonation & Next day Assembly
10 XP0% of players unlockBig Brother Begins
Finish Game - Big Brother Lives
10 XP0% of players unlockBinding Ties
Miller Saved - Central Town Park - Player Bandage / Splint Same Day
10 XP0% of players unlockBlack & White
See Loke Giving Medicine to Catherine in the Police Station
10 XP0% of players unlockBonds of Brotherhood
Discuss Big Brother Outlook Change & Discuss Avery Escape Option(s)
10 XP0% of players unlockCat Fight
Catherine VS Moira Spat - Witness
10 XP0% of players unlockDesperate Truths
Dr. Duke Suicide in Special Lab
10 XP0% of players unlockDie before Heal
Miller RIP - South City Park - Player healing Fail Same Day
10 XP0% of players unlockDie in Diet
Miller Starves - after Player met
10 XP0% of players unlockDiscontinued
Failed Escourt - Avery Dead - Automobile Factory Escourt Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockDisservice
Catherine VS Moira - Catherine RIP & Loke Visits
10 XP0% of players unlockDr. Duke Durability
Finish Game - Dr. Duke Survives
10 XP0% of players unlockEat or be Eaten
Miller Saved - Central Town Park - Player VS Monster
10 XP0% of players unlockEndless Pain
Special Plot - Withdrawal Before Climax Battle
10 XP0% of players unlockEvermore
Moira & Big Brother DOA - Moria Exit - Both RIP - Battle Climax
10 XP0% of players unlockExterminator
Dr. Duke Zombie Cull Mission by Player
10 XP0% of players unlockEye for an Eye
Catherine VS Moira - Death & Suicide - Battle Climax
10 XP0% of players unlockFetch & Carry
Dr. Duke Lab Equipment Mission by Player - in Wilfred Sanitarium
10 XP0% of players unlockFragile Psyche
Big Brother told Dr. Duke Gone - Blame Player Sarcasm
10 XP0% of players unlockGift of Gab
Dr. Duke - Avery Met - Dr. Duke Helps
10 XP0% of players unlockGimme Gets
Avery Dealings - Asked & Agree to Gifts
10 XP0% of players unlockGlitzy Girl
Angel Gets Princess Dress - Gift from Player - North City
10 XP0% of players unlockGood Ending
Finish Game - Best Plot Ending & Secret Discovered - Any Difficulty
200 XP0% of players unlockHeart of the Matter
Discuss Spat - Big Brother & Moira - with Loke
10 XP0% of players unlockHey! Here I am
Assemble 1st Ranged Weapon
10 XP0% of players unlockIn the Thick of It
Miller 1st Met
10 XP0% of players unlockInviolable
Day After Assembly - Loke Cons Avery & Big Brother Scolds
10 XP0% of players unlockJust Say No
Catherine Given Princess Dress - Refuse Gratitude Before Move to Big Brother Home
10 XP0% of players unlockKill the Engine
Dr. Duke Auto Fix - Player VS Monster
10 XP0% of players unlockLast Bullet
Catherine DOA - Catherine VS Big Brother & Avery Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockLast Rites
Catherine VS Moira - Death & Suicide - Recollect at Big Brother Home Grave-sites
10 XP0% of players unlockLittle princess
Angel gets Princess Dress Gift from Player
10 XP0% of players unlockLoke Lives!
Finish Game - Loke Survives
10 XP0% of players unlockMiller Mauled
Central Town Park - Player VS Monster Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockMiller Time
Finish Game - Miller Survives
10 XP0% of players unlockMiller's Leftovers
Scavenge Miller's Items - Postmortem
10 XP0% of players unlockMisfire
Miller Shot - Missed Assembly & Big Brother angst & Player Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockMoira Moreover
Finish Game - Moira Lives
10 XP0% of players unlockMother & Daughter Dawn
Finish Game - Catherine & Angel BOTH Live
10 XP0% of players unlockNo survivor
Finish Game - ALL NPCs & Player Survive
10 XP0% of players unlockNorthbound
Catherine & Angel Move to North City & Police Station Defense
10 XP0% of players unlockOdd Odds
Car to Drive - Meet Loke 1st Time - Roommates
10 XP0% of players unlockResidual Value
Save Missing Avery at Automobile Factory - Player Escourt
10 XP0% of players unlockRoad to Revenge
Angel RIP & Catherine's revenge - Police Station Defense Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockScience Frontier
Big Brother Tells Dr. Duke Quit Research - Wilfred Sanitarium
10 XP0% of players unlockSeek & Find
Dr. Duke Lab Equipment Mission by Player
10 XP0% of players unlockSincerity
Catherine Told Truth of Tobey Given to Miller
10 XP0% of players unlockSpecial Ending
Finish Game - Special Plot Ending - Any Difficulty
10 XP0% of players unlockSplash of blood
Assemble 1st Melee Weapon
10 XP0% of players unlockStrange Change
Avery Injured - Strange Change - Met in Automobile Factory
10 XP0% of players unlockSweet Dream
Angel gets Tobey Teddy Bear Gift from Player
10 XP0% of players unlockTactless Tactics
Catherine ++ Visits- Angel's Question answered with Insult & Apology
10 XP0% of players unlockThe homebody's love
Miller's Video-Game Mission Success
10 XP0% of players unlockThose Against Me
Miller Shot: North City refusal, Big Brother Angst & Player Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockTimely Arrival
Catherine VS Moira - Latter Met & Former Defended - Police Station
10 XP0% of players unlockTobey
Miller Teddy Bear Mission
10 XP0% of players unlockTravesty & Tragedy
Catherine & Angel RIP - Police Station Defense Fail
10 XP0% of players unlockTwist of Fate
Miller Residence - 2x Back Loke for Miller Move North
10 XP0% of players unlockUlterior Motive
See Loke at Big Brother Home - Persuade Moira Leaving Big Brother
10 XP0% of players unlockUnforgiven
Assembly Avoided - After Power Plant Detonation - Death by Big Brother
10 XP0% of players unlockUnmissed Mist
Toxic Fog Collection - All Fog Areas
10 XP0% of players unlockUnveiled
Catherine ++ Visits- Angel's Question answered with Love Confession
10 XP0% of players unlockUpbeat Uplink
Dr. Duke given Positive Topics in Dialogue
10 XP0% of players unlockValhalla Bound
Eulogy & Battle Cry - Big Brother Regrets & Charges - Battle Climax
10 XP0% of players unlockVoltage Vamoose
Dr. Duke Decryption & Power Plant Escourt
10 XP0% of players unlockWar of Attrition
Catherine VS Moira - Moira Wins
10 XP0% of players unlockWasted Effort
Failed Escourt - in Dr. Duke Power Plant Decryption Mission
10 XP0% of players unlockWeird Scientist
Dr. Duke Met at Smith Hospital
10 XP0% of players unlockWomen's War
Catherine VS Moira - Both RIP - Big Brother's Home
10 XP0% of players unlock