ELEX II may contain content not suitable for all ages.
50 Achievements
1000 XP
Joined the Albs.
20 XP15% of players unlockAlchemist
30 potions brewed.
20 XP9% of players unlockBanker
10,000 elexit shards received.
20 XP23% of players unlockBeam Me Up
Teleported 20 times.
10 XP18% of players unlockBerserker
Joined the Berserkers.
20 XP18% of players unlockBest Buddy
C.R.O.N.Y. U4 found.
10 XP41% of players unlockCivilian
„Nothing to Lose” completed.
10 XP42% of players unlockCleric
Joined the Clerics.
20 XP10% of players unlockCommander
„Strong Alliances” completed.
10 XP31% of players unlockComputer Scientist
30 successful hacks.
20 XP0.8% of players unlockCreator
Destruction is below 10.
20 XP32% of players unlockDefector
Decided not to join a faction.
20 XP2% of players unlockDefender
20 Skyands killed.
10 XP0.9% of players unlockDestroyer
Destruction is over 90.
20 XP2% of players unlockDetective
„Hitch and the Three Investigators” completed.
20 XP12% of players unlockDrinker
Healed by potions 100 times.
20 XP0.1% of players unlockEnforcer
500 monsters killed.
50 XP0% of players unlockEntrepreneur
1,000 elexit shards received.
10 XP44% of players unlockFire in the Hole
10 kills by hand grenade.
10 XP2% of players unlockFree as a Bird
All Jetpack skills learned.
20 XP12% of players unlockGlobetrotter
Unlock at least 35 teleporters.
20 XP18% of players unlockHotshot
All combat skills learned.
20 XP10% of players unlockHunter
20 monsters killed.
10 XP19% of players unlockIdealist
All character skills learned.
20 XP6% of players unlockKey Master
100 locks picked.
20 XP0% of players unlockLegendary
Discover the secret of the old map.
20 XP7% of players unlockLong-Haul Flyer
Fuel capacity increased to at least 30.
10 XP24% of players unlockMorkon
Joined the Morkons.
20 XP3% of players unlockOutlaw
Joined the Outlaws.
20 XP3% of players unlockPack Rat
Collected 100,000 items
20 XP5% of players unlockPass A38
Raik forgoes his salary to benefit the Cultivators.
20 XP23% of players unlockPeddler
20 merchants found.
20 XP29% of players unlockPerfectionist
ELEX II completed.
100 XP20% of players unlockRole Model
Level 20 reached.
20 XP35% of players unlockSelf-Sufficient
All crafting skills learned.
20 XP7% of players unlockSocializer
300 missions completed.
50 XP0% of players unlockStoryteller
20 Audio Logs found.
10 XP18% of players unlockTreasure Hunter
Collect 10 map pieces.
20 XP11% of players unlockTreasurer
50,000 elexit shards received.
20 XP0% of players unlockUnbreakable
All survival skills learned.
20 XP9% of players unlockWarrior
200 monsters killed.
30 XP0% of players unlockWeaponsmith
Made a weapon 20 times.
10 XP14% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP36% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP27% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP27% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP20% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP32% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP3% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP0.9% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP22% of players unlock