Empire of the Ants

Empire of the Ants
Available Achievements

41 Achievements

Available XP

1000 XP

  • Empire of the Ants 6 legs moving fast Achievement

    6 legs moving fast

    Complete "The flood" in less than 5 minutes

    15 XP
    0.3% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants A story to be told Achievement

    A story to be told

    Complete the story

    30 XP
    2% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants A tired prey is an easy prey Achievement

    A tired prey is an easy prey

    Make butterflies fly away 15 times

    15 XP
    0.5% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Accept victory: none can withstand you Achievement

    Accept victory: none can withstand you

    Complete all strategic missions

    30 XP
    0.6% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Against a stronger enemy, defy his logic Achievement

    Against a stronger enemy, defy his logic

    Complete all tactical missions

    30 XP
    0.8% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Ants won't die today Achievement

    Ants won't die today

    In "Lost sisters" find all 7 ants before any ant drowns

    30 XP
    1% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Catch me if you can Achievement

    Catch me if you can

    Win a strategic mission without taking any damage yourself

    15 XP
    1% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Despite millions of years of evolution... Achievement

    Despite millions of years of evolution...

    Drown once

    15 XP
    78% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Gotta catch 'em all! Achievement

    Gotta catch 'em all!

    Unlock your first entry in the collection

    15 XP
    85% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Huntress Achievement


    Catch all the monarch butterflies and golden tortoise beetles

    30 XP
    0% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants I have seen the past Achievement

    I have seen the past

    Watch all the memory pheromones

    30 XP
    0% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants I'm a survivor Achievement

    I'm a survivor

    Get out of the water with 10% health or less

    30 XP
    33% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants If not above, then below Achievement

    If not above, then below

    Win "Stockpiling" after building and using the "Burrow" power 3 times or more

    15 XP
    3% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin' Achievement

    Keep rollin', rollin', rollin', rollin'

    Scare 5 pillbugs to have them roll over

    15 XP
    7% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants King of the hill Achievement

    King of the hill

    Win "Battle of the pinecones" after taking the "Hill nest" as your first nest taken

    30 XP
    0.3% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Knowledge is power Achievement

    Knowledge is power

    Complete the bestiary by finding all the creatures

    30 XP
    1% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants MOOOORE! Achievement


    Have 5 legions of the same type in a strategic mission

    15 XP
    1% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants No ant left behind Achievement

    No ant left behind

    Win a strategic mission without losing a single legion

    15 XP
    6% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants No enemy is too great Achievement

    No enemy is too great

    Win a strategic mission without building any tier 2 and 3 upgrades

    30 XP
    0.9% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Our deadliest enemy Achievement

    Our deadliest enemy

    Complete all traversal missions without dying in the water once

    30 XP
    0.3% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Perfect take down Achievement

    Perfect take down

    Win "Before the storm" by eliminating both opponents in less than 4 minutes apart

    60 XP
    0.3% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Pheromones Achievement


    Use every power once

    15 XP
    2% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants See all but stay unseen Achievement

    See all but stay unseen

    Win "Behind enemy lines" without taking any damage from enemy patrols

    15 XP
    0.4% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Slowly but always forward Achievement

    Slowly but always forward

    Win "Snailing out of here" while riding the snail for 80% of the time

    15 XP
    1% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Terminal Velocity Achievement

    Terminal Velocity

    Find one of the highest points and jump from it to reach maximum falling speed

    15 XP
    3% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants The greatest ant to ever live Achievement

    The greatest ant to ever live

    Complete all missions

    80 XP
    0.6% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants The perfect ally Achievement

    The perfect ally

    Win "Flanking" without capturing any nest yourself but you can take the headquarters

    15 XP
    1% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants The wise warrior avoids battle Achievement

    The wise warrior avoids battle

    Complete all exploration missions

    30 XP
    1% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants This is a mar-Ant-hon Achievement

    This is a mar-Ant-hon

    Run a total of 400m

    15 XP
    4% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants This is just rude Achievement

    This is just rude

    Interrupt a queen by walking out while having a conversation

    15 XP
    6% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Time is of the essence Achievement

    Time is of the essence

    Complete "End of the world" in less than 3 minutes and 30 seconds

    30 XP
    0.2% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Titan-hike Achievement


    Climb on a mantis for at least 5 seconds

    15 XP
    3% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Too many legs, too many eyes Achievement

    Too many legs, too many eyes

    Get eaten by a diadem spider in an exploration or traversal mission

    15 XP
    5% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants Unknown entities Achievement

    Unknown entities

    Complete collection

    80 XP
    0% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants What are those things? Achievement

    What are those things?

    Scan all the structures

    30 XP
    0% of players unlock
  • Empire of the Ants You shall not pass Achievement

    You shall not pass

    Win "A city under attack" without any defenses (destroy them in the firts 3 minutes)

    15 XP
    0% of players unlock
  • Hidden Achievement

    15 XP
    74% of players unlock
  • Hidden Achievement

    15 XP
    34% of players unlock
  • Hidden Achievement

    15 XP
    9% of players unlock
  • Hidden Achievement

    15 XP
    6% of players unlock
  • Hidden Achievement

    15 XP
    3% of players unlock