Faraday Protocol contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
Faraday Protocol
Available Achievements
17 Achievements
Available XP
1000 XP
Behind the curtain
Reach the Inner Core of Opis
45 XP0% of players unlockCadet Explorer
Overcome all the challenges within Ziqqurat One
45 XP0% of players unlockConverter
Solve the puzzles by converting energy
45 XP0% of players unlockCouncil Meeting
Learn the History behind the Golden Council
45 XP0% of players unlockDown the Rabbit hole
Enter Iris’s Liar
60 XP0% of players unlockExplorer
Venture into Ziqqurat Two
45 XP0% of players unlockFreedom!
Manage to escape detention
45 XP0% of players unlockGeared Up
Obtain the Bia-Tool
45 XP0% of players unlockGet the hang of it
Learn the basic functions of the Bia-Tool
45 XP0% of players unlockInterstellar Archeologist
Complete Faraday Protocol
100 XP0% of players unlockIt’s been a while!
Unlock Ziqqurat One
45 XP0% of players unlockLocked up
Fall into the detention pit
45 XP0% of players unlockThe Sky's the ceiling!
Raise the Pillar Core
45 XP0% of players unlockWelcome To Opis
Gain access to Opis
45 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
100 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
100 XP0% of players unlockHidden Achievement
100 XP0% of players unlock