Forest Grove
Available Achievements
12 Achievements
Available XP
1000 XP
Aligned Hovercams
Aligned all the hovercams in the house and have the report desk unlocked
90 XP11% of players unlockEntered the Nanodeck
Found the way to enter the Nanodeck
50 XP61% of players unlockFound Secret Area
Found Max's secret area
90 XP15% of players unlockFound Secret Room
Found Zooey's secret playroom
90 XP10% of players unlockHonors Investigator
Reached the highest grades as an investigator
90 XP5% of players unlockListened to Audio Fragments
Listened to all the audio fragments in the house
50 XP10% of players unlockRead Between the Lines
Found some incriminating phone/laptop messages
90 XP5% of players unlockSet the Time
Set the time on the grandfather clock correctly
90 XP13% of players unlockSolved the Case
Solved the case
90 XP5% of players unlockSubmit your Case Report
Submitted your first case report
90 XP11% of players unlockHidden Achievement
90 XP13% of players unlockHidden Achievement
90 XP13% of players unlock