18 Achievements
1000 XP
A Trophy Is Forever
Earn 1 diamond trophy
25 XP100% of players unlockAll The Diamonds
Earn 30 diamond trophies
150 XP40% of players unlockApollo 11
Complete a track in the Luun region
30 XP40% of players unlockBig Points
Score 250,000 points or more on a score attack
125 XP40% of players unlockCool Your Jets
Complete a track without jumping. Good luck.
100 XP0% of players unlockDecagonal Diamonds
Earn 10 diamond trophies
50 XP40% of players unlockEasy as Pie
Spin your bikes for a total of 314,159 degrees
50 XP40% of players unlockMarathon
Grind 42,195 meters
75 XP0% of players unlockMotion Sickness
Complete a track without spinning. At all. Don't touch the spin input. Seriously.
25 XP20% of players unlockUse the Gimbal bike
Complete a track with the Gimbal bike
25 XP60% of players unlockUse the Left Coast bike
Complete a track with the Left Coast bike
15 XP120% of players unlockUse the Slice bike
Complete a track with the Slice bike
10 XP180% of players unlockUse the Subverse bike
Complete a track with the Subverse bike
40 XP40% of players unlockUse the Xero bike
Complete a track with the Xero bike
30 XP60% of players unlockHidden Achievement
25 XP40% of players unlockHidden Achievement
50 XP40% of players unlockHidden Achievement
75 XP40% of players unlockHidden Achievement
100 XP40% of players unlock