Godlike Burger contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
Godlike Burger
28 Achievements
1000 XP
Kill all visitors during the day
50 XP6% of players unlockCELEBRITY
Reach max Prestige
50 XP4% of players unlockCORRUPTIONIST
Spend 10,000 credits on bribes
25 XP0.1% of players unlockCRIMINAL
Catch the eye of the police
25 XP20% of players unlockDEBTOR
Catch the eye of 5 Collectors
25 XP0.2% of players unlockEXPERIMENTALIST
Buy all traps
50 XP1% of players unlockFIRST BLOOD
Make the first kill
25 XP40% of players unlockGOURMET
Buy recipes for all sauces
25 XP2% of players unlockGRANDMA WOULD BE PROUD
Prepare 100 perfect burgers
50 XP12% of players unlockGRATITUDE
Earn 10,000 credits from tips alone
25 XP3% of players unlockHELL'S KITCHEN
Buy all kitchen upgrades
25 XP5% of players unlockHIGH TECHNOLOGIES
Level all traps up to the maximum
50 XP0.8% of players unlockHONORS STUDENT
Finish 10 days with the best rating
50 XP9% of players unlockI'VE SEEN SOME…
See all the races that inhabit the Galaxy
25 XP0.2% of players unlockINDIVIDUAL APPROACH
Serve all visitors during the day
25 XP5% of players unlockJACK OF ALL TRADES
End the day with a rating S
50 XP24% of players unlockKEVIN!
Activate a trap for the first time
25 XP31% of players unlockLAW-ABIDING CITIZEN
Pay 10,000 credits' worth of bills
25 XP2% of players unlockMARTYR
Finish 50 business days
50 XP4% of players unlockMASTER CHEF
Serve the first burger
25 XP45% of players unlockMISTER ALL THUMBS
Burn 500 patties
25 XP0.1% of players unlockPATTY-KILLER
Buy all chef upgrades
50 XP2% of players unlockPRUDENT
Put 10,000 credits in the safe
25 XP2% of players unlockRAMBO
Fight off the police squad
50 XP6% of players unlockSCATTERBRAIN
Let 50 witnesses slip away
25 XP0.9% of players unlockTASTE UNTASTY
Cook 100 disgusting burgers
25 XP0.7% of players unlockTRAVELER
Visit all planets in the Galaxy
50 XP0.1% of players unlockWITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT
Kill 100 visitors
50 XP10% of players unlock