InFlux Redux
Available Achievements
9 Achievements
Available XP
1000 XP
Collateral Damage
Caused an eruption.
100 XP0% of players unlockCracked
Reached the valley.
100 XP0% of players unlockGallerist
Collected all the hidden concept art.
200 XP100% of players unlockHitchhiking
Reached the volcano.
100 XP0% of players unlockLandfall
Arrived on the island.
100 XP100% of players unlockMarine Biology
Removed the obstruction.
100 XP0% of players unlockMegaptera Novaeangliae
Reached the caves.
100 XP0% of players unlockOn A Roll
Reached the forest.
100 XP0% of players unlockThe Message
A reunion with the deepest wellsprings of your being.
100 XP0% of players unlock