Iragon may contain content not suitable for all ages.
35 Achievements
1000 XP
A Not So Good Time
Defeat the Succubus
15 XP0% of players unlockBarrels are My Enemy
Collect 1000 mana orbs throughout the game
5 XP0% of players unlockBecome the Bank
Collect 10 000 gold throughout the game
70 XP0% of players unlockChanneler
Fully upgrade any Channeling spell
5 XP0% of players unlockCompletionist
Finish each companion route
135 XP0% of players unlockCryomancer Adept
Fully upgrade all Ice spells
10 XP0% of players unlockCrystal Conqueror
Obtain the Crystal Sword legendary weapon
10 XP0% of players unlockDavid and Goliath
Defeat the Harbinger
15 XP50% of players unlockDecimator
Fully upgrade any Area of Effect spell
5 XP0% of players unlockElven Negotiations
Defeat Warden Alathra
10 XP0% of players unlockEsme Helper
Choose to help Esme in Grasspoint
5 XP50% of players unlockFellhanded
Obtain the Devastator legendary weapon
20 XP0% of players unlockFully Charged
Fully upgrade your mana capacity
15 XP0% of players unlockHammer Time
Obtain the Frost Skull legendary weapon
50 XP0% of players unlockHurt Me Plenty
Finish the game on Hard difficulty
45 XP0% of players unlockI See Now
Obtain the Clarity legendary weapon
55 XP0% of players unlockLeave None Unbroken
Collect 2000 mana orbs throughout the game
15 XP0% of players unlockLightning Adept
Fully upgrade all Lightning spells
10 XP0% of players unlockMenagerie Curator
Unlock all enemies in the Gallery
60 XP0% of players unlockMindee Helper
Choose to help Mindee in Grasspoint
5 XP50% of players unlockMoney Well Spent
Have sex with the merchant
65 XP0% of players unlockOn the Warpath
Defeat all the bosses
100 XP0% of players unlockPath of Flame
Finish the game with Jenna as your companion
30 XP0% of players unlockPath of Ice
Finish the game with Erika as your companion
35 XP0% of players unlockPath of Lightning
Finish the game with Lexi as your companion
40 XP0% of players unlockPest Control
Defeat Arachna the Brood Mother
10 XP0% of players unlockPrecision Caster
Fully upgrade any Projectile spell
5 XP0% of players unlockPyromancer Adept
Fully upgrade all Fire spells
10 XP0% of players unlockRob the Bank
Collect 5000 gold throughout the game
25 XP0% of players unlockScales for Sale
Defeat Darkra
10 XP0% of players unlockSettling Down
Stay in Avoch instead of going with Brianna
5 XP0% of players unlockSpeak Up
Defeat Rikka of the Voiceless
10 XP0% of players unlockTough Cookie
Fully upgrade your health
15 XP0% of players unlockTreasure Hunter
Open every chest in the game
75 XP0% of players unlockWizards First Incantation
Upgrade any spell for the first time
5 XP0% of players unlock