Legion TD 2
78 Achievements
1000 XP
A Legion Fiesta
Play a Classic game with an 8 member party
10 XP0% of players unlockAtlantean Victory
Win a game as Atlantean
5 XP6% of players unlockBanana Boy
Beat Tommy on Hard
10 XP13% of players unlockBronze AI Victory
Win a game vs. Bronze AI
10 XP10% of players unlockCard Hunter
Find a card in-game
20 XP26% of players unlockChaos Victory
Win a game as Chaos
5 XP21% of players unlockChrono Trigger
Beat Chrono Dragon on Hard
10 XP0% of players unlockClassic All Day, Every Day
Win 200 Classic Games in a single season
20 XP3% of players unlockComeback Victory
Win a game after the enemy team is on fire
10 XP40% of players unlockCrystal Coast Completed
Complete all 21 stars on the Crystal Coast campaign
25 XP3% of players unlockCrystal Coast Victory
Beat the Crystal Coast campaign on Normal
10 XP12% of players unlockDeath by Natural Causes
Your king dies after receiving 0 mythium from the enemy team
10 XP13% of players unlockDesert Ridge Completed
Complete all 21 stars on the Desert Ridge campaign
25 XP1% of players unlockDesert Ridge Victory
Beat the Desert Ridge campaign on Normal
20 XP1% of players unlockDiamond AI Victory
Win a game vs. Diamond AI
10 XP1% of players unlockDivine Victory
Win a game as Divine
5 XP10% of players unlockDuo Victory
Win a Ranked game with a 2 member party
10 XP29% of players unlockElement Victory
Win a game as Element
5 XP6% of players unlockEternal Monarch
Beat King Dan on Hard
10 XP3% of players unlockFlawless Victory
Win a game without leaking any amount
10 XP44% of players unlockFloating Isles Completed
Complete all 21 stars on the Floating Isles campaign
25 XP0% of players unlockFloating Isles Victory
Beat the Floating Isles campaign on Normal
20 XP0% of players unlockFormula 1 Champion
Beat Crashton on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockForsaken Victory
Win a game as Forsaken
5 XP9% of players unlockFrog Tyrant
Beat Rex Ribbitor on Hard
10 XP0% of players unlockFrozen Heart
Beat Shadowynn on Hard
10 XP4% of players unlockGet Rekt
Make your lane opponent leak over 100%
10 XP53% of players unlockGodwoken
Beat Victra on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockGold AI Victory
Win a game vs. Gold AI
10 XP4% of players unlockGold Monument
Equip 10 of the same type of Monument
30 XP0% of players unlockGrove Victory
Win a game as Grove
5 XP3% of players unlockGryphon Tamer
Beat Stormhammer on Hard
10 XP0% of players unlockGuild Member
Join a guild
10 XP15% of players unlockGuild Supporter
Donate a card to your guild
10 XP6% of players unlockHeart of the Cards
Buy a card from the Card Trader
10 XP15% of players unlockHeavyweight Champ
Beat Brock on Hard
10 XP5% of players unlockHit the Jackpot
Acquire a secret card
20 XP8% of players unlockHot Streak
Win 3 ranked games in a row
10 XP45% of players unlockHybrid Victory
Win a game as Hybrid
5 XP5% of players unlockI'm Huge
Send 1200+ Mythium on a single wave
10 XP36% of players unlockKeeper of the Grove
Beat Juniper on Hard
10 XP4% of players unlockLegendary Wizard
Beat Fabulous Freddy on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockLord of the Legion
Survive until Wave 21
5 XP49% of players unlockMastermind Victory
Win a game as Mastermind
5 XP60% of players unlockMech Victory
Win a game as Mech
5 XP5% of players unlockMeet the Team
Open the Credits from the help menu
5 XP3% of players unlockMichelin Star
Beat Bonny Flay on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockMost Valuable Player
Win a game as MVP of your team
10 XP56% of players unlockNo Time to Waste
Kill the enemy king on Wave 5 or earlier
20 XP17% of players unlockNomad Victory
Win a game as Nomad
5 XP5% of players unlockNot Even Close
Win a game with your king at 3% or less hp
10 XP8% of players unlockPlatinum AI Victory
Win a game vs. Platinum AI
10 XP8% of players unlockPopstar
Beat Ember on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockPrincess of Thieves
Beat Reek-a-deek on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockPro-leak!
Leak 17% or less on a wave
5 XP51% of players unlockPub Stomp
Win a Classic game with a 4 member party
10 XP1% of players unlockRags to Riches
Beat Father Juju on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockRanked All Day, Every Day
Win 200 Ranked Games in a single season
20 XP1% of players unlockScourge of the 7 Seas
Beat Captain Jack on Hard
10 XP4% of players unlockShow Me the Numbers
Open the Codex from the help menu
5 XP27% of players unlockShrine Victory
Win a game as Shrine
5 XP6% of players unlockSilver AI Victory
Win a game vs. Silver AI
10 XP10% of players unlockSilver Monument
Equip 3 of the same type of Monument
20 XP0% of players unlockStudent of the Game
Open the Top Games leaderboard
5 XP17% of players unlockSurvival of the Fittest
Beat Sven on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockTavern Master
Beat Mama Mayra on Hard
10 XP4% of players unlockThe Classic Grind Is Real
Win 50 Classic Games in a single season
10 XP6% of players unlockThe Ranked Grind Is Real
Win 50 Ranked Games in a single season
10 XP13% of players unlockTutorial Completed
Beat all tutorial missions
10 XP12% of players unlockTwitch Partner
Beat PennyTV on Hard
10 XP1% of players unlockUltimate Supervillain
Beat Lord of Chaos on Hard
10 XP0% of players unlockUnranked AI Victory
Win a game vs. Unranked AI
10 XP9% of players unlockVivacious Ecologist
Beat Jill McDonald on Hard
10 XP0% of players unlockWeekly Challenger
Beat a weekly challenge
10 XP12% of players unlockWork Work
Reach 70 workers
10 XP38% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP22% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP1% of players unlockHidden Achievement
145 XP18% of players unlock