MeteoHeroes Saving Planet Earth!
25 Achievements
1000 XP
Beat level 8
15 XP0% of players unlockBuenos Aires
Beat level 6
15 XP0% of players unlockCape Town
Beat level 2
15 XP0% of players unlockDejavu
Complete the game a second time
100 XP0% of players unlockExplorer
Get all the collectibles
90 XP0% of players unlockGood aim!
Defeat 30 macusferes
30 XP0% of players unlockHarbin
Beat level 5
15 XP0% of players unlockI hate maculanes
You have been defeated by maculans
30 XP0% of players unlockI hate macusferes
You have been defeated by macusferes
30 XP0% of players unlockInvincible
Finish the game without dying
90 XP0% of players unlockLet´s do this!
Defeat 50 maculans
30 XP0% of players unlockMEC
Beat level 9
30 XP0% of players unlockNevermore
Defeat the boss maculans
30 XP0% of players unlockRome
Beat level 1
15 XP0% of players unlockSeattle
Beat level 4
15 XP0% of players unlockShield master
Block 50 attacks with your shield
30 XP0% of players unlockSidney
Beat level 3
15 XP0% of players unlockSouth Pole
Beat level 7
15 XP0% of players unlockSprinter
Complete the game in less than 1 hour
90 XP0% of players unlockTogether
Ask a friend for help
30 XP0% of players unlockUnited Team
Play as every Meteohero
30 XP0% of players unlockUnreliable
You have been defeated on all levels
30 XP0% of players unlockUntouchable
Finish the game without a single hit
90 XP0% of players unlockWealthy
Collect all 100 coins in all levels
90 XP0% of players unlockWise
Choose well all the abilities in the same playthrough
30 XP0% of players unlock