Miasma Chronicles contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
Miasma Chronicles
51 Achievements
1000 XP
Alpha Editor
Complete the game in 'Alpha Editor' difficulty.
30 XP0.9% of players unlockAre you not entertained?
Win the Gauntlet.
15 XP38% of players unlockAspiring Editor
Collect the Miasma Vortex.
15 XP74% of players unlockAttenborough
Unlock all enemy codex entries.
15 XP7% of players unlockBookworm
Complete the codex.
15 XP4% of players unlockChain Killer
Kill 5 enemies with one action.
15 XP23% of players unlockChain Reaction
Push an enemy into a burning or acid area with a Knockback Grenade.
15 XP9% of players unlockChaos Theory
Complete the game in 'Full Tactical' mode.
30 XP17% of players unlockCommando
Kill 5 enemies with an Assault Rifle without reloading.
15 XP17% of players unlockCruelty
Shrink, burn, and inflict acid damage to an enemy at the same time.
15 XP3% of players unlockDr Jones
Collect every treasure.
15 XP17% of players unlockEditor Adept
Collect 4 types of Miasma.
15 XP49% of players unlockExorcist
Kill 10 Mimics.
15 XP50% of players unlockExperienced
Reach Level 25.
15 XP35% of players unlockFirst Blood
Successfully complete your first tactical encounter.
10 XP92% of players unlockFive Finger Deathcount
Steal 250 plastic during a single combat encounter.
30 XP1% of players unlockFratricide
Kill a Whisperer with a Sapling Grenade.
15 XP0.9% of players unlockGiant Killer
Kill your first collector.
15 XP48% of players unlockGun for Hire
Recruit Jade.
15 XP69% of players unlockHold The Line
Kill 4 enemies with Overwatch in the same turn.
15 XP36% of players unlockI am the law!
Kill 20 Thievers.
15 XP64% of players unlockInfiltrator
Access the First Factory.
15 XP37% of players unlockLumberjack
Kill 20 Whisperer adults or saplings.
15 XP54% of players unlockMaster Editor
Collect all Miasma types.
30 XP9% of players unlockNewtonian Knockout
Kill an enemy with fall damage.
15 XP16% of players unlockQA Has Suffered! (Redux)
Complete the game on 'Alpha Editor' difficulty with 'Full Tactical' mode enabled.
90 XP0.8% of players unlockRanidaphobia
Kill 20 Frog Monsters.
15 XP77% of players unlockRecycler
Kill 10 collectors.
15 XP42% of players unlockRuthless
Kill 5 enemies with direct damage from a single shotgun blast.
15 XP14% of players unlockSavior
Complete the game in any difficulty.
90 XP30% of players unlockSide Order
Complete all side quests.
15 XP11% of players unlockSilent but Violent
Silently kill 15 enemies.
15 XP34% of players unlockTechnophobe
Kill 20 Robots.
15 XP43% of players unlockThe Watchers
Meet all of the Watchers.
15 XP23% of players unlockThe meaning of Kain
Kill Matt Kain.
15 XP44% of players unlockThere Can Be Only One!
Kill a Mimic Shadow with the character that it is mimicking.
15 XP28% of players unlockWipe Out
Kill 5 enemies with a single frag grenade.
15 XP8% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP50% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP8% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP37% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP50% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP38% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP7% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP43% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP49% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP1% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP35% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP45% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP30% of players unlock