Mystery in the Office
Available Achievements
10 Achievements
Available XP
1000 XP
An apple a day
The game developers thought they would last a few days, but you proved them wrong
75 XP56% of players unlockBrain-teaser
You must be a real master solver now
85 XP51% of players unlockEvil plan
We will not ask what you will do with it
85 XP50% of players unlockExit
Do not tell anyone what you found behind it
65 XP57% of players unlockFast as lightning
Complete the game in under 2 minutes
180 XP7% of players unlockFood lover
Is sharing not your thing?
55 XP63% of players unlockGood listener
Now you know more about the office's secrets than anyone else
85 XP61% of players unlockSweet tooth
You have consumed all the sugary goodness this game has to offer
45 XP70% of players unlockHidden Achievement
140 XP22% of players unlockHidden Achievement
185 XP6% of players unlock