Need for Speed™ Heat Deluxe Edition
42 Achievements
1000 XP
A Bit Of Paradise
Smash your way through all the Billboards
20 XP1% of players unlockAll For One
Reach max Crew Level with your Crew
40 XP25% of players unlockAround The World
Win the Discovery Event
40 XP6% of players unlockAt The Last Second
Repair critical damage at a Gas Station at night
20 XP52% of players unlockBe The Very Best
Get all Collectibles and 3 stars on all Activities
60 XP0.6% of players unlockBenefits Are Nice
Complete 25 events online with other players
40 XP8% of players unlockBlame The Vain
Win a race with all vehicle effects slots equipped
20 XP6% of players unlockCashing In
Earn and bank 1 000 000 REP during one night
60 XP9% of players unlockChange My Name
Change the text on the License Plate
10 XP31% of players unlockComeback Kid
Go from last to first place during the final lap of a race and win
15 XP9% of players unlockComponent Parts
Win a race with handling parts for maximum road traction equipped
20 XP43% of players unlockDanger Zone
Complete all Speed Traps
20 XP1% of players unlockDon't Quit Your Day Job
Complete your first Daily Challenge
15 XP77% of players unlockDrift, Drift, Drift
Complete all Drift Zones
20 XP1% of players unlockEleven - Fifty Six
Take down 100 Cop Vehicles
40 XP6% of players unlockFull Send
Complete all Long Jumps
20 XP0.9% of players unlockGraffer
Collect all Street Art
20 XP0.9% of players unlockHear Me Roar
Win a race in a vehicle with tuned exhaust sound
10 XP34% of players unlockHumble Beginnings
Reach REP Level 2
10 XP82% of players unlockI Said Right Now!
Win a race with a car at 399 Performance Rating
60 XP14% of players unlockNotorious
Reach REP Level 50
40 XP16% of players unlockRedline
Win a race with handling parts for maximum race equipped
20 XP30% of players unlockSideways Style
Win a race with handling parts for maximum drift equipped
20 XP14% of players unlockSwappin'
Win a race in a vehicle with an engine swap
20 XP36% of players unlockTechin'
Win a race with parts equipped in both auxiliary part slots
15 XP39% of players unlockThe Brightest Stars
Get a 3 Star Rating on all the Activities in the game
40 XP0.7% of players unlockThe Hackney Dream
Win a race with handling parts for maximum off-road traction equipped
20 XP9% of players unlockThe Most Wanted
Win a High Heat 5 race and return to garage safely
20 XP11% of players unlockTravis, Who?
Escape 100 Cop Chases
40 XP16% of players unlockTwo Racers, One Event
Beat your first Crew Time Trial
15 XP35% of players unlockWrap It Up!
Customize a vehicle with a wrap
10 XP47% of players unlockYou have friends?
Complete 5 events online with other players
15 XP16% of players unlockHidden Achievement
5 XP99% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP15% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP9% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP7% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP56% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP1% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP36% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP26% of players unlockHidden Achievement
40 XP22% of players unlock