Available Achievements
14 Achievements
Available XP
1000 XP
Scored 300,000 Points in a single game.
100 XP0% of players unlockASSASSIN
Reached Wave 40.
100 XP0% of players unlockBEGINNER'S END
First time experiencing Game Over.
10 XP47% of players unlockHACKER
Scored 25,000 Points in a single game.
50 XP24% of players unlockMASTER
Reached Wave 50.
125 XP0% of players unlockNOVICE
Scored 10,000 Points in a single game.
30 XP41% of players unlockOVERLORD
Scored 1,000,000 Points in a single game.
125 XP0% of players unlockROOKIE
Reached Wave 10.
30 XP35% of players unlockSEEK REVENGE
First time launching your revenge mission.
10 XP88% of players unlockSEEKER
Reached Wave 20.
50 XP12% of players unlockSHADOW
Reached Wave 30.
80 XP0% of players unlockSPECIALIST
Scored 100,000 Points in a single game.
80 XP0% of players unlockUNLEASH BERSERK
First time unleashing Berserk.
10 XP47% of players unlockHidden Achievement
200 XP0% of players unlock