Redout: Enhanced Edition contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
Redout: Enhanced Edition
34 Achievements
1000 XP
Unlock a Class 4 ship.
40 XP0.9% of players unlockCALLING HOUSTON
Miss a landing.
10 XP30% of players unlockCENTAUR
Obtain the Class 1 Koeniggswerth ship.
10 XP8% of players unlockCHALLENGE THE WORLD
Win an online match.
30 XP7% of players unlockCHALLENGER
Unlock a Class 2 ship.
20 XP12% of players unlockDRAGOON
Obtain the Class 4 ESA-AGR ship.
40 XP0.5% of players unlockENLIGHTENED
Win the final Career event.
50 XP0.1% of players unlockFASTER THAN EVER
Break the speed of sound.
40 XP9% of players unlockGILA
Obtain the Class 1 Conqueror ship.
10 XP4% of players unlockGT9STRADALE
Obtain the Class 1 Lunare Scuderia ship.
10 XP21% of players unlockGTX COMPETIZIONE
Obtain the Class 4 Lunare Scuderia ship.
40 XP0.6% of players unlockHARDCORE
Win a Score Endurance event.
30 XP1% of players unlockHIDDEN POWER
Obtain all passive powerups.
40 XP0.6% of players unlockIINI
Obtain the Class 4 Conqueror ship.
40 XP0.2% of players unlockMARID
Obtain the Class 4 Sulha AG ship.
40 XP0.3% of players unlockNATURAL BORN WINNER
Win your first gold medal.
30 XP35% of players unlockNOBUNAGA
Obtain the Class 4 ASERA ship.
40 XP0.3% of players unlockODIN
Obtain the Class 4 Koeniggswerth ship.
40 XP0.3% of players unlockON A ROLL
Win 3 consecutive events
30 XP10% of players unlockPILE UP TROPHIES
Win 45 Career events.
40 XP0.3% of players unlockPRO
Unlock a Class 3 ship.
30 XP2% of players unlockQAREEN
Obtain the Class 1 Sulha AG ship.
10 XP6% of players unlockSHINY SHINY GOLD
Win 15 Career events.
20 XP2% of players unlockSNEAKY SNEAKY
Obtain a passive powerup.
10 XP24% of players unlockTACTICIAN
Obtain all active powerups.
40 XP0.7% of players unlockTAKATORA
Obtain the Class 1 ASERA ship.
10 XP5% of players unlockTRICK UP YOUR SLEEVE
Obtain an active powerup.
10 XP24% of players unlockVANGUARD
Obtain the Class 1 ESA-AGR ship.
10 XP44% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP0.4% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP8% of players unlockHidden Achievement
40 XP2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
50 XP0.2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
50 XP4% of players unlockHidden Achievement
50 XP0.6% of players unlock