Road Maintenance Simulator
50 Achievements
1000 XP
10 missions completed.
20 XP0% of players unlock100
100 missions completed.
60 XP0% of players unlock25
25 missions completed.
30 XP0% of players unlock50
50 missions completed.
40 XP0% of players unlockAttention
100 signs aligned.
40 XP0% of players unlockBarrier
Mission “Cordon-off Work Area – Highway” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockBattering Ram
NPC vehicle rammed.
10 XP0% of players unlockBin
15 roads tarred.
40 XP0% of players unlockBoot print
100 traffic beacon bases put up.
40 XP0% of players unlockBoot prints
100 traffic beacon bases dismantled.
40 XP0% of players unlockBroom
Mission “Clean-up Road Shoulder – Highway” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockBrush
Mission “Mark Lanes – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockBucket
Mission “Fix Asphalt – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockCounty Road
Mission “Remove Cordon – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockDelineator left
Mission “Put Up Delineators – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP50% of players unlockDelineator right
Mission “Put Up Delineators – County Road” complete.
10 XP50% of players unlockDrop of water
Mission “Clean Guardrail – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockDumpster
20 broken guardrails disposed.
40 XP0% of players unlockFederal Road
Mission “Remove Cordon – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP50% of players unlockFoam
Mission “Clean Guardrail – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockGuardrail
Mission “Replace Guardrail – Highway” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockHand
100 delineators aligned.
40 XP0% of players unlockHand broom
Mission “Clean-up Road Shoulder – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockHighway
Mission “Remove Cordon – Highway” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockHole
Mission “Fix Asphalt – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockIntersection
100 signs put up.
40 XP0% of players unlockJackhammer
Fixed asphalt 15 times.
40 XP0% of players unlockJet of water
Mission “Clean Guardrail – Highway” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockReflector
50 delineators put up.
40 XP0% of players unlockRight of way
Mission “Put Up Signs – Road Network” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockSaw
Mission “Trim Trees – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockScissors
Mission “Trim Trees – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockScrew
Mission “Replace Guardrail – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockScrewdriver
Mission “Replace Guardrail – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockSpray can
Mission “Mark Lanes – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockStop
Mission “Align Signs – Road Network” complete.
10 XP50% of players unlockStraight ahead
Mission “Align Delineators – Highway” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockStraight line
100 lines marked.
40 XP0% of players unlockSun
50 trees trimmed.
40 XP0% of players unlockTar
Mission “Tar Road – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockThumbs up
All different missions completed once.
10 XP0% of players unlockTraffic Beacon
Mission “Cordon-off Work Area – County Road” complete.
10 XP50% of players unlockTraffic Beacon with light
Mission “Cordon-off Work Area – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockTrash Picker
Mission “Clean-up Road Shoulder – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockTrash bag
100 full trash bags disposed.
40 XP0% of players unlockTurn left
Mission “Align Delineators – Federal Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockTurn right
Mission “Align Delineators – County Road” complete.
10 XP0% of players unlockVehicle
All vehicles used.
10 XP0% of players unlockWashing machine
50 guardrails cleaned.
40 XP0% of players unlockWheelbarrow
Fully load up wheelbarrow.
10 XP50% of players unlock