Serial Cleaners may contain content not suitable for all ages.
Serial Cleaners
24 Achievements
1300 XP
A New Broom Sweeps Clean
Complete one mission without getting busted
35 XP23% of players unlockAll the Stories
Finish all main missions
100 XP5% of players unlockBee Squat
Leave 10 spray tags as Lati
35 XP2% of players unlockBlood Capade
Do a single blood slide for 5 seconds as Bob
35 XP2% of players unlockBusiness as usual
Clean up 15 dead bodies
50 XP17% of players unlockCha Cha Real Smooth
Do the perfect cleaning in all Dino Park missions.
50 XP0.3% of players unlockClean Conscience
Finish party preparations
25 XP56% of players unlockCrazy SOB, You Did It
Obtain gold rating in all Dino Park missions.
125 XP0.3% of players unlockDo-you-think-he-saurus
Complete all Dino Park missions without getting busted.
50 XP0.2% of players unlockEyes Yet To Open
Complete the third chapter
75 XP8% of players unlockHackathon
Tamper with 10 objects through hacking console as Vip3r
35 XP8% of players unlockMr. Hygeni
Do the perfect cleaning on one map
25 XP11% of players unlockOff to a Good Start
Complete the first chapter
75 XP20% of players unlockPride and Joy
Complete the second chapter
75 XP10% of players unlockSmall-time Finder
Collect 20 pieces of evidence
50 XP20% of players unlockSo it goes
Get busted at least once
25 XP48% of players unlockSomething Rotten
Complete the fourth chapter
75 XP6% of players unlockThat’s One Big Pile
Find all collectibles in Dino Park missions.
25 XP0.2% of players unlockThe Crush And Smash The Dino Four
Complete the Dino Park storyline.
25 XP1% of players unlockThe Germophobes
Do the perfect cleaning on every single map
100 XP2% of players unlockThe Wing and the Thigh
Dismember 10 corpses as Psycho
35 XP5% of players unlockTotal Recall
Live through all six memories
75 XP7% of players unlockWitness Protection
Complete the fifth chapter
75 XP5% of players unlock… Women Inherit The Earth
Be around when a velociraptor takes care of a guardsman.
25 XP2% of players unlock