Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 may contain content not suitable for all ages.
Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2
43 Achievements
1000 XP
Better Safe Than Sorry
Unlock all Secondary Weapons
25 XP3% of players unlockCastling
Complete Rashida Qalat
15 XP31% of players unlockCheck
Escape the Server Room ambush without being detected
25 XP6% of players unlockConvict freed
Complete The Tajmid Heights
15 XP36% of players unlockDeadly Efficient
Complete Maladh Wadi at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough
25 XP1% of players unlockDesert Storm
Complete Zindah Province at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough
25 XP3% of players unlockDistance Doesn't Matter
Land a shot from over 1300m away
20 XP65% of players unlockEmployee of the Year
Complete all Mission Contracts
90 XP30% of players unlockFinders Keepers
Find your first Collectible
10 XP69% of players unlockFirst Payday
Buy your first skill
10 XP89% of players unlockFull Arsenal
Unlock all Sniper Rifles
25 XP3% of players unlockFull House
Kill at least 1 of each enemy type in the same mission
20 XP57% of players unlockFull Potential
Buy 54 skills
90 XP2% of players unlockGenuine Professional
Complete The Tajmid Heights at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough
25 XP2% of players unlockHoarder
Find all of the Collectibles
30 XP5% of players unlockHorseshoes and Hand Grenades
Kill 2 enemies with a grenade
15 XP28% of players unlockKing of The Castle
Complete Rashida Qalat at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough
25 XP2% of players unlockLock, Stock, and Barrel
Kill 2 enemies using an explosion
15 XP52% of players unlockLong Live the Queen
Retrieve the security chips without killing Bibi
25 XP33% of players unlockLook, but Don't Touch
Finish all Contracts in a Region without ever taking damage from enemies
30 XP10% of players unlockLungs of Steel
Kill 5 enemies while holding your breath with Stamina Booster active
25 XP0.4% of players unlockMeeting Cancelled
Complete Maladh Wadi
10 XP30% of players unlockMirage
Complete Zindah Province
15 XP59% of players unlockNew Toy
Unlock 1 Weapon
10 XP60% of players unlockOne Shot One Kill
Complete a contract when every time you hit the enemy is a kill
30 XP61% of players unlockOne Trick Pony
Finish a Contract using only sniper rifles
30 XP5% of players unlockQuick and Discreet
Kill 5 enemies in 1 minute without raising the alarm
30 XP48% of players unlockSmall and Lethal
Unlock all Sidearms
25 XP3% of players unlockSpectre
Be within 2 meters of an enemy for 10 seconds without being detected
20 XP18% of players unlockTake the Nerd Down
Complete Mount Kuamar
15 XP41% of players unlockThe Gun is the Best Hacking Tool
Complete Mount Kuamar at the Highest Difficulty in a single playthrough
25 XP2% of players unlockThrifty Shooter
Kill 2 enemies with the same bullet
20 XP65% of players unlockTurret Operator
Kill 5 enemies in the same mission using the Sentry Turret
20 XP8% of players unlockVenom
Kill any contract target using your drone's poison rifle
25 XP3% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP16% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP18% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP2% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP1% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP4% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP4% of players unlockHidden Achievement
20 XP10% of players unlock