40 Achievements
1000 XP
All Collection Boxes Collected!
Open all Collection Boxes in White Space.
10 XP2% of players unlockBig Bang
Get Rank S in all Acts in Sonic Generations.
100 XP3% of players unlockBoom Boom Dragoon
Defeat Egg Dragoon.
10 XP23% of players unlockCHAOS ISLAND Restored!
Restore the CHAOS ISLAND Stage Gate.
10 XP43% of players unlockCHEMICAL PLANT Restored!
Restore the CHEMICAL PLANT Stage Gate.
10 XP59% of players unlockCITY ESCAPE Restored!
Restore the CITY ESCAPE Stage Gate.
10 XP35% of players unlockCRISIS CITY Restored!
Restore the CRISIS CITY Stage Gate.
10 XP28% of players unlockCan't Touch This
Take no damage from the final boss and clear the stage in Sonic Generations.
50 XP0.6% of players unlockGREEN HILL Restored!
Restore the GREEN HILL Stage Gate.
10 XP76% of players unlockKINGDOM VALLEY Restored!
Restore the KINGDOM VALLEY Stage Gate.
10 XP51% of players unlockMad Skillz
Get all Skills.
10 XP1% of players unlockPLANET WISP Restored!
Restore the PLANET WISP Stage Gate.
10 XP24% of players unlockPerfect Punisher
Defeat Perfect Chaos.
10 XP30% of players unlockRADICAL HIGHWAY Act 2 Cleared!
10 XP39% of players unlockRAIL CANYON Restored!
Restore the RAIL CANYON Stage Gate.
10 XP64% of players unlockROOFTOP RUN Restored!
Restore the ROOFTOP RUN Stage Gate.
10 XP26% of players unlockRed Ring Collector
Get all Red Star Rings.
10 XP2% of players unlockRescue Professional
Rescue all Chao.
10 XP1% of players unlockRocket has been completed...?
Deliver all the rocket parts to Orbot and Cubot.
10 XP3% of players unlockSEASIDE HILL Restored!
Restore the SEASIDE HILL Stage Gate.
10 XP33% of players unlockSKY SANCTUARY Restored!
Restore the SKY SANCTUARY Stage Gate.
10 XP52% of players unlockSPACE COLONY ARK Restored!
Restore the SPACE COLONY ARK Stage Gate.
10 XP73% of players unlockSPEED HIGHWAY Restored!
Restore the SPEED HIGHWAY Stage Gate.
10 XP37% of players unlockSUNSET HEIGHTS Restored!
Restore the SUNSET HEIGHTS Stage Gate.
10 XP51% of players unlockScrap Metal
Defeat Metal Sonic.
10 XP44% of players unlockShadow Boxing
Defeat Shadow.
10 XP31% of players unlockShadow Generations: (Hedge)Hogging It All Up
Get all collectibles in Shadow Generations.
50 XP2% of players unlockShadow Generations: All Stages Cleared!
Clear Shadow Generations.
50 XP39% of players unlockShadow Generations: Mission Accomplished!
Clear all the Challenge Acts in Shadow Generations.
100 XP4% of players unlockSilver Got Served
Defeat Silver.
10 XP24% of players unlockSonic Generations: (Hedge)Hogging It All Up!
Get all collectibles in Sonic Generations.
50 XP2% of players unlockSonic Generations: All Stages Cleared!
Clear Sonic Generations.
50 XP22% of players unlockSonic Generations: Mission Accomplished!
Clear all the Challenge Acts in Sonic Generations.
100 XP2% of players unlockSunny Side Up
Defeat Death Egg Robot.
10 XP40% of players unlockTreasure Hunter
Collect all the Chaos Emeralds.
10 XP23% of players unlockUltimate Life Form
Get Rank S in all Acts in Shadow Generations.
100 XP5% of players unlockUntouchable
Take no damage from the final boss and clear the stage in Shadow Generations.
50 XP2% of players unlockVanquished Biolizard
Defeat Biolizard.
10 XP56% of players unlockVanquished Mephiles
Defeat Mephiles.
10 XP41% of players unlockVanquished Metal Overlord
Defeat Metal Overlord.
10 XP45% of players unlock