Available Achievements

30 Achievements

Available XP

1000 XP

  • SPACE ELITE FORCE Cruiser Achievement


    Desttroy Cruiser

    25 XP
    35% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE Destroyer Achievement


    Destroy Destroyer

    25 XP
    33% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE Frigate Achievement


    Destroy Frigate

    25 XP
    54% of players unlock

    MAX HP!

    improve the life of the ship!

    15 XP
    16% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE Top! Achievement


    Get 1.000.000 in infinity mode.

    145 XP
    7% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE battle cruiser Achievement

    battle cruiser

    destroy battle cruiser

    100 XP
    19% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE bee bot Achievement

    bee bot

    reach the maximum level!

    15 XP
    8% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE double orbs Achievement

    double orbs

    collect double orbs power

    10 XP
    61% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE double score Achievement

    double score

    collect double score power

    10 XP
    57% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE heavy cruiser Achievement

    heavy cruiser

    destroy heavy cruiser

    50 XP
    26% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE heavy destroyer Achievement

    heavy destroyer

    destroy heavy destroyer

    50 XP
    22% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE heavy frigate Achievement

    heavy frigate

    destroy heavy frigate

    50 XP
    29% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE killing machine Achievement

    killing machine

    Kill 50 enemies!

    25 XP
    84% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE laserbot Achievement


    reach the maximum level!

    15 XP
    9% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE machine gun Achievement

    machine gun

    reach the maximum level!

    15 XP
    12% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE missile Achievement


    reach the maximum level!

    15 XP
    18% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE no scratches! Achievement

    no scratches!

    Complete a mission without suffering damage!

    100 XP
    14% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE plasma gun Achievement

    plasma gun

    reach the maximum level!

    15 XP
    10% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE resistance Achievement


    improve the ship resistance!

    15 XP
    35% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE shield Achievement


    collect shield power

    15 XP
    60% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE sniper gun Achievement

    sniper gun

    reach the maximum level!

    15 XP
    8% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE space car! Achievement

    space car!

    someone sent a car into space, destroy it!

    10 XP
    57% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE super combo Achievement

    super combo

    get 10x combo!

    20 XP
    54% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE super gun Achievement

    super gun

    collect super gun power

    10 XP
    61% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE super killing machine Achievement

    super killing machine

    Kill 200 enemies!

    35 XP
    62% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE super shield Achievement

    super shield

    improve ship shield

    15 XP
    24% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE the invincible Achievement

    the invincible

    complete the hardcore mode!

    50 XP
    5% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE the magneto Achievement

    the magneto

    collect magnetic power

    10 XP
    69% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE ultra killing machine Achievement

    ultra killing machine

    Kill 300 enemies!

    60 XP
    54% of players unlock
  • SPACE ELITE FORCE ultra_combo Achievement


    get 20x combo!

    40 XP
    29% of players unlock