Taxi Life: A City Driving Simulator
30 Achievements
1000 XP
Art Lover
Find all mural collectibles.
50 XP2% of players unlockBeginner's Luck
Complete your first ride as a taxi driver.
10 XP88% of players unlockBig Boss
Hire an employee driver.
50 XP24% of players unlockCity Cruiser
Cover 100 km in a single career.
10 XP28% of players unlockClean and Tidy
Wash your car at every car wash in the city.
10 XP0.1% of players unlockEco-friendly
Recharge your car at every charging station in the city.
50 XP0.3% of players unlockExperienced Driver
Cover 300 km in a single career.
10 XP8% of players unlockFirst Steps
Successfully complete at least 10 rides.
5 XP48% of players unlockFirst Upgrade
Buy and equip a new car part.
20 XP33% of players unlockFleet Commander
Have 5 employee drivers hired that are actively on a shift at the same time.
100 XP1% of players unlockGas Hopper
Refuel your car at all of the gas stations.
10 XP1% of players unlockI Like This Job
Successfully complete at least 75 rides.
20 XP7% of players unlockIntermediate
Reach level 15.
10 XP14% of players unlockJourney of a Lifetime
Cover 500 km in a single career.
100 XP4% of players unlockJourneyman Driver
Successfully complete at least 50 rides.
15 XP14% of players unlockJunior
Reach level 10.
10 XP23% of players unlockKing of the Road
Cover 200 km in a single career.
10 XP15% of players unlockMaster of People Transportation
Successfully complete at least 100 rides.
50 XP4% of players unlockMid-level
Reach level 20.
10 XP7% of players unlockNew Ride
Purchase a new car.
15 XP31% of players unlockNovice
Reach level 5.
5 XP41% of players unlockProfessional Driver's License
Complete the driving school tutorial.
5 XP66% of players unlockSenior
Reach level 30.
100 XP3% of players unlockSmall Traveler
Cover 50 km in a single career.
10 XP43% of players unlockSpecialist
Reach level 25.
50 XP4% of players unlockTaxi Driver
Successfully complete at least 25 rides.
10 XP29% of players unlockTour Guide
Find all monument collectibles.
100 XP2% of players unlockTrue Professional
Successfully complete at least 150 rides.
100 XP2% of players unlockVoyager
Cover 400 km in a single career.
50 XP5% of players unlockYoung Driver
Cover 10 km in a single career.
5 XP73% of players unlock