37 Achievements
1000 XP
Art Deco
Collect 50 yellow memory cubes
10 XP22% of players unlockArt Nouveau
Collect 50 green memory cubes
10 XP19% of players unlockBaroque
Increase government influence 6 times in one run
10 XP7% of players unlockBeaux-Arts
Accumulate 10,000 units of government resources in total
50 XP29% of players unlockBowellism
Build 200 factories
50 XP33% of players unlockBrutalism
Build 200 ministries
10 XP32% of players unlockCape Cod
Accumulate 10,000 units of public resources in total
50 XP28% of players unlockConstructivism
Build 200 stores
50 XP28% of players unlockElizabethan
Construct 1000 buildings
50 XP33% of players unlockFauvism
Get the green wall
10 XP39% of players unlockFunctionalism
Get the highway
10 XP59% of players unlockFuturism
Get the robotics factory
10 XP42% of players unlockGoogie
Increase criminal influence 6 times in one run
10 XP1% of players unlockGothic
Accumulate 10,000 units of elite resources in total
50 XP28% of players unlockHigh-Tech
Accumulate 10,000 units of business resources in total
50 XP25% of players unlockJacobean
Construct 500 buildings
50 XP41% of players unlockMannerism
Build 50 landing sites
10 XP13% of players unlockMetabolism
Build 50 power plants
10 XP14% of players unlockMinimalism
Build 50 monorails
10 XP18% of players unlockModern
Accumulate 1000 units of resources from any faction in one run
35 XP20% of players unlockMonumentalism
Build 50 airship towers
10 XP24% of players unlockNeocolonialism
Complete the government storyline
40 XP27% of players unlockNeoism
Complete the game
100 XP19% of players unlockNeoliberalism
Complete the business storyline
40 XP44% of players unlockNeoplasticism
Complete the tutorial
5 XP83% of players unlockNeorealism
Complete the public storyline
40 XP27% of players unlockNeoromanticism
Complete the elite storyline
40 XP26% of players unlockNew Objectivity
Plan a city with at least 25 buildings
10 XP91% of players unlockNew Sincerity
Plan a city with at least 50 buildings
10 XP77% of players unlockNew Unity
Plan a city with at least 100 buildings
10 XP50% of players unlockPalladian
Build 50 lower cities
10 XP44% of players unlockRenaissance
Increase business influence 6 times in one run
50 XP5% of players unlockRococo
Increase elite influence 6 times in one run
10 XP5% of players unlockRomanesque
Increase public influence 6 times in one run
10 XP11% of players unlockRondocubism
Build 75 parks
10 XP31% of players unlockStructuralism
Build 200 skyscrapers
10 XP29% of players unlockVictorian
Construct 250 buildings
50 XP48% of players unlock