Terra Memoria
30 Achievements
1000 XP
A hearty meal
Cook a dish that gives +10 hit points.
30 XP10% of players unlockA killer riff
Defeat an enemy by turning a healing skill into an attack with Alto.
30 XP38% of players unlockA real page-turner
Find all of Terra's guide statues.
30 XP10% of players unlockA touch of the black eye
Exploit 6 different elemental weaknesses with skills that have been modified by Opale.
30 XP24% of players unlockBreaking the ice
Break an enemy's shield and send them flying back in the timeline.
15 XP90% of players unlockFeels like home
Place at least 20 different items in Beegihn.
30 XP10% of players unlockFine, but who's doing the dishes?
Cook dishes in a bowl, a plate, and a glass.
30 XP19% of players unlockForest Walk
Visit the singing creatures in their Mirevale refuge.
30 XP10% of players unlockGetting cozy
Fulfill one of Beegihn residents' placement wishes.
30 XP14% of players unlockIt's bigger on the inside!
Enter a large karsak speos.
30 XP38% of players unlockMerry solving
Discover the location of all skill puzzles.
90 XP10% of players unlockOne of us!
Convince an inhabitant of Terra to move to Beegihn.
30 XP24% of players unlockOuch!
Win a battle with a full team by only dealing very effective damage.
30 XP29% of players unlockPut a pin in that
Equip 3 pins on each character.
30 XP29% of players unlockRation bastion
Cook a dish to increase the group's hit points.
15 XP48% of players unlockRecipe for success
Accumulate a bonus of at least +400 hit points with cooking.
90 XP10% of players unlockSmells like clean spirits
Dip your feet/paws in the water of the karsak baths.
15 XP33% of players unlockTerra Cogita
Solve a skill puzzle.
30 XP24% of players unlockThat's just good business
Sell a pin forged by Opal.
15 XP14% of players unlockTime is but a bouncy castle
Bounce off at least 3 enemies by inserting yourself into the timeline.
30 XP29% of players unlockTo tinker is to splatter
Defeat 3 enemies with a single attack turned into a multi-target attack by Edson.
90 XP19% of players unlockWhere it all Beegihns
Inaugurate the Beegihn construction stone.
15 XP29% of players unlockWorth it
Earn 5,000 xenis by reselling items.
30 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
10 XP76% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP29% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP29% of players unlockHidden Achievement
15 XP14% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
30 XP10% of players unlockHidden Achievement
90 XP10% of players unlock