The Alto Collection contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
The Alto Collection
39 Achievements
1000 XP
Ride for 1,000,000m
25 XP1% of players unlockAmateur
Beat 25 Goals
10 XP11% of players unlockAviator
Fly With Wingsuit in Odyssey
10 XP5% of players unlockDaredevil
Proximity Fly for 1,000m total
25 XP1% of players unlockEnter Paz
Unlock Paz
10 XP6% of players unlockExplorer
Ride for 500,000m
25 XP2% of players unlockFinding Your Footing
Complete 10 Goals
10 XP24% of players unlockHere Comes Felipe
Unlock Felipe
25 XP2% of players unlockHoist the Mainsail
Grind the very top rope of the ship
25 XP2% of players unlockHuman Flight
Fly With Wingsuit
25 XP3% of players unlockIntroducing Sumara
Unlock Sumara
50 XP1% of players unlockIzel Has Arrived
Unlock Izel
25 XP3% of players unlockJourneyer
Ride for 1,000,000m
50 XP2% of players unlockJunkie
Score 10,000 points in one combo
25 XP4% of players unlockLife Aquatic
Dip underwater 50 times
50 XP0.1% of players unlockMaster
Beat All 180 Goals
50 XP0.2% of players unlockMaster Of The Sands
Complete 180 Goals
50 XP0.3% of players unlockMy Little Friend
Ride for 5,000m total while chased by a lemur
10 XP5% of players unlockNomad
Ride for 50,000m
10 XP15% of players unlockOne With The Board
Complete 75 Goals
25 XP5% of players unlockPicking Up Speed
Complete 25 Goals
10 XP14% of players unlockPro
Beat 75 Goals
25 XP3% of players unlockRookie
Beat 10 Goals
10 XP30% of players unlockSandboarder
Wallride for 10,000m in total
25 XP3% of players unlockScout
Ride for 50,000m
10 XP13% of players unlockSightseer
Discover 3 biomes
10 XP11% of players unlockSurvivalist
Snowboard for 3 days
50 XP0.2% of players unlockThe Ultimate Challenge
Complete all 180 goals once without crashing more than 100 times
50 XP0.1% of players unlockTraveler
Ride for 250,000m
10 XP4% of players unlockUnlock Felipe
Unlock Felipe
25 XP1% of players unlockUnlock Izel
Unlock Izel
25 XP2% of players unlockUnlock Maya
Unlock Maya
10 XP9% of players unlockUnlock Paz
Unlock Paz
10 XP4% of players unlockUnlock Tupa
Unlock Tupa
50 XP0.6% of players unlockVandal
Break 500 pots in total
50 XP0.9% of players unlockVoyager
Ride for 500,000m
25 XP4% of players unlockWanderer
Ride for 250,000m
10 XP7% of players unlockWelcome Maya
Unlock Maya
10 XP13% of players unlockWindswept
Backflip from 100 tornados in total
50 XP0.1% of players unlock