The Cub
20 Achievements
1000 XP
Among Train Climbers
Climb the falling train
50 XP0% of players unlockBoondoggle
Get all of the trophies
200 XP0% of players unlockBurps
Collect all edibles
100 XP0% of players unlockDo a Barrel Roll
Escape the Drone
25 XP0% of players unlockFurious, and also Fast
Complete the level in 6 minutes
50 XP0% of players unlockGetting Started
Finish the prologue
10 XP0% of players unlockHe won’t be back
Kill the robot dog
50 XP0% of players unlockHunted Becomes the Hunter
Finish the game
100 XP0% of players unlockHuxley Was Right
Enter the pipe in the Soma club
25 XP0% of players unlockKing of Nothing
Find all knick-knacks
65 XP0% of players unlockMaverick
Fly through all of the Neons with Charlie
25 XP0% of players unlockMine Cart Carnage
Complete the mine cart sequence
25 XP0% of players unlockNet Evader
Escape Wu without dying
50 XP0% of players unlockNo plan Bee
Escape the bees
25 XP0% of players unlockNot My First Rodeo
Complete the bisons sequence
50 XP0% of players unlockPerfect Run
Complete the level without dying
40 XP0% of players unlockPieces of Story
Find all holo messages
10 XP0% of players unlockRaised by Wolves
Entrap Captain
25 XP0% of players unlockStarts With a Bang
Detonate the bomb and find the bunker
25 XP0% of players unlockTrial and Error
Die in 10 different ways
50 XP0% of players unlock