The Great War: Western Front™
12 Achievements
1000 XP
A Student of History
Win any medal in all Historical Battles
80 XP0.8% of players unlockBombs Away!
Destroy 100 machine gun or mortar emplacements with bombers in the course of a single campaign with either faction
60 XP0.1% of players unlockDas Ist Endgültig!
Win a full campaign as the Central Powers
100 XP14% of players unlockEarth Shattering
Create a really big hole with the Undermining ability
90 XP46% of players unlockEventful
Complete 300 events in the campaign over multiple playthroughs
75 XP0.1% of players unlockFrom the Pages of History
Win any medal in a Historical Battle
85 XP9% of players unlockGeneralissimo
Win the highest possible medal for all Historical Battles
120 XP0% of players unlockLa Der des Ders
Win a full campaign as the Allies
100 XP14% of players unlockNothing Can Stop Us!
Win the campaign by taking Paris or Kreuznach before November 1919
60 XP2% of players unlockThat's Not What Happened
In the campaign, make it to December 1919 with either faction
70 XP1% of players unlockThe Chemists' War
Cause 1,000 infantry casualties with gas weapons in any game mode
110 XP5% of players unlockWar with Friends
Play a multiplayer game to completion
50 XP2% of players unlock