46 Achievements
1000 XP
All By Myself
Walk back by yourself
5 XP0% of players unlockBad Ending
Get the bad ending
50 XP0% of players unlockBe Our Guest
Sveta visits Victor
110 XP0% of players unlockDrinks at the Bar
Drink with Sveta in the bar
20 XP0% of players unlockExhibition
Visit the exhibition performance
15 XP0% of players unlockFailure
Break up with Tanya
5 XP0% of players unlockFailure
Break up with Tanya
15 XP0% of players unlockFalse Pretenses
Ask the girls to pretend that they're in a relationship with you
5 XP0% of players unlockFloat Like a Butterfly, Sting Like a Bee
Hit Tanya's guru
5 XP0% of players unlockGuru
Tanya makes her decision
5 XP0% of players unlockHospital
Visit a hospital
90 XP0% of players unlockI Refuse!
Refuse to fulfill your end of the bargain with Nadia
5 XP0% of players unlockIgnorance is Bliss
Ignore the metting with Anton
5 XP0% of players unlockIt's A Secret
Get to know the girls' secret
5 XP0% of players unlockKiss
Kiss Nadia
15 XP0% of players unlockLesson
Nadia schools you
5 XP0% of players unlockLiar
Lie to Anton
5 XP0% of players unlockMeeting? No Way!
Avoid the investigator
30 XP0% of players unlockMila
5 XP0% of players unlockNadia
10 XP0% of players unlockNadia's Home
Visit Nadia's home
5 XP0% of players unlockNastya
15 XP0% of players unlockNews
Receive shocking news
20 XP0% of players unlockNot Coming With You
Refuse to accompany a girl
45 XP0% of players unlockOlya
5 XP0% of players unlockParty?
Drink with Nikita
25 XP0% of players unlockPerfect Stretching
Have Olya feeling satisfied with the training you put her through
30 XP0% of players unlockPhone Number Get!
Get Olya's phone number
5 XP0% of players unlockPressure
Sveta couldn't cope with it
20 XP0% of players unlockPromise
Promise to Mark that you'll keep his secret
5 XP0% of players unlockProtection
Ask for a lawyer
5 XP0% of players unlockRelationship N
Relationship with Nadia
5 XP0% of players unlockRelationship O
Relationship with Olya
5 XP0% of players unlockRising Influencer
Help Sveta with her video
5 XP0% of players unlockShy Girl
Convince Olya to go on a date
15 XP0% of players unlockSuspected
Notice the suspect creeping about
15 XP0% of players unlockSveta
10 XP0% of players unlockTanya
5 XP0% of players unlockTanya's Home
Visit Tanya's home
5 XP0% of players unlockTanya's Love
Fall in love with Tanya
20 XP0% of players unlockThe Correct Choice
Vote for Sveta in the competition
15 XP0% of players unlockThe Killer
Find out who the killer is
150 XP0% of players unlockTraining…My Eyes
Decide to peek when the girls are training
5 XP0% of players unlockTwice the Misfortune
Get another bad ending
50 XP0% of players unlockWinner Winner Chicken Dinner
Close the bet, once and for all
100 XP0% of players unlockWorkout
Try to lift the bar by yourself
5 XP0% of players unlock