Mod content is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
A Total War Saga: TROY
A new button is created near the bottom right radar that lets you open / close this temples list panel.
You can then click on one of the province listed there to select the capital settlement and scroll the camera to its position. Provinces for each god can be sorted by name or temple building level.
The UI is rebuilt anytime a religion building is built or demolished, or when a settlement is acquired or lost.
This mod is active for all factions except Penthesilea, mostly because I don't know how to get the list of buildings for horde factions as they don't own any regions.
Quick Demo
This is a just a script mode, so it should be compatible with everything and should be save compatible.
Current version: 1.2.0
Issues / Feedbacks
If you have any feedback or have any issue with the mod, consider joining my Discord server ( (Opens in new tab)) and head over the modding related channels.
You can also use the GitHub repository and open up an issue: (Opens in new tab)
You can also find a basic changelog there.