September Savings Epic Deal Alert: Grab Nioh 2: The Complete Edition On Sale & Get 2 Armor Sets!


Unleash Devastating Power - In Style, Of Course

Death is a certainty. But until that time, unleash your darkness and fight to survive in the world of Nioh 2.
Nioh 2 The Complete Edition 20 Percent OffNioh 2: The Complete Edition, the epic sequel to the acclaimed masocore action RPG, is now available on the Epic Games Store and 20% off for a limited time.

Purchase the game during our September Savings event and receive the Sohaya Deserter Garb & the Ornate Gold Armor sets - currently unavailable anywhere else! 

September Savings Epic Deal Nioh 2
Offer available from September 9, 2021 (11:00 AM Eastern) through September 23, 2021 (11:00 AM Eastern).

New to Nioh? Good News! 

Surprise! We just announced that Nioh: The Complete Edition is available for free this week on the Epic Games Store alongside Sheltered

Sharpen your blade and defy death as you battle through Japan’s tumultuous Sengoku period as the masterless samurai, William. Fight for life and honor against brutal warlords and supernatural Yokai demons in an era ravaged by warring states and dark, malevolent forces.

Nioh The Complete Edition FreeCombining historical events with dark fantasy and folklore, this intense action RPG adventure will test your skills and patience to overcome the multitude of fearsome enemies using an arsenal of weaponry and magic.
Nioh The Complete Edition BattleClaim Nioh: The Complete Edition for free until September 16, 2021 at 11:00 AM Eastern, and it’s yours to keep. 

Enjoy, everyone! We’ll see you in the Dark Realm. 

Until then, be sure to follow us on social for all things Epic Games Store:

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