Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Official Soundtrack

Immerse yourself in the incredible sounds of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey with this grand collection of tracks. Discover 39 masterful pieces, brought to you by celebrated composer Dan Millidge.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Official Soundtrack

Immerse yourself in the incredible sounds of Frontier’s Elite Dangerous: Odyssey with this grand collection of tracks taken from the massively multiplayer space epic. Discover 39 masterful pieces, brought to you by celebrated composer Dan Millidge.

From heart-pounding, action-packed instrumentals made for blazing a trail through the stars, to contemplative, calming soundscapes, the Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Soundtrack provides epic aural delights across its 67-minute runtime.

Track Listing 1-20

  1. First Footfall: New World

  2. Exploration: Tharsis Rise

  3. Exploration: Vallis Capella

  4. Exploration: Siduri Mons

  5. Exploration: Arcadia

  6. Exploration: Akna Montes

  7. Exploration: Voyager Terra

  8. Exploration: Cassini

  9. Exploration: Aeolis

  10. Exploration: Agnesi

  11. Exploration: Huygens

  12. Exploration: Sputnik Planitia

  13. Exploration: Lacus Gaudii

  14. Exploration: Ligeia Mare

  15. Exploration: Albys Vallis

  16. Exploration: Meni Tessera

  17. Exploration: Tempe Terra

  18. Exploration: Hellas Planitia

  19. Exploration: Solis Planum

  20. Exploration: Tartarus Dorsa

Track Listing 21-39

  1. Settlement: Return To Base

  2. Settlement: Refuel

  3. Settlement: Regroup

  4. Settlement: Comrades

  5. Settlement: Unknown

  6. Settlement: Alone

  7. Settlement: Stay Alive

  8. Settlement: Forge Ahead

  9. Settlement: Damage

  10. Settlement: Beyond Repair

  11. Settlement: In The Dark

  12. Settlement: Lost

  13. Stealth: Infiltrate

  14. Stealth: Reconnaissance

  15. Stealth: Covert Tactics

  16. Combat: Weapon Of Choice

  17. Combat: Only The Brave

  18. Combat: Last Chance

  19. Combat: No Survivors

Elite Dangerous Ratings & Reviews


by Justin Pauls

85 / 100

Frontier Developments have done a magnificent job of creating an affordable universe that is fun to play. With tons of game styles and the entirety of the Milky Way to explore, this one is truly for space sim buffs with one caveat – if you're feeling lost, we recommend you check out video tutorials online.

PC Gamer

by Chris Thursten

86 / 100

A great game and, with time, potentially a classic. Much rests on Frontier's ability to build on these broad but somewhat shallow foundations.

God is a Geek

by Mick Fraser

8 / 10

Elite: Dangerous is a well-made space sim with incredible scope and wondrous plans for the future, but it might put off some players with its complexity.

Reviews provided by OpenCritic

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey Official Soundtrack System Requirements




Windows 7/8/10 64-bit


Windows 7/8/10 64-bit


Quad Core CPU (4 x 2Ghz)


Intel Core i7-3770K Quad Core CPU or better / AMD FX 4350 Quad Core CPU or better






25 GB available space


25 GB available space

Direct X

Version 11

Direct X

Version 11


Nvidia GTX 470/AMD R7 240


Nvidia GTX 770 / AMD Radeon R9 280X


Broadband Internet connection


Broadband Internet connection


Requires Frontier Account

Login Accounts Required

Epic Games

Languages Supported

  • Audio: English Text: English, French, German, Russian, Spanish - Spain, Portuguese - Brazil

Elite © 1984 David Braben & Ian Bell. Frontier © 1993 David Braben, Frontier: First Encounters © 1995 David Braben and Elite Dangerous © 1984 - 2016 Frontier Developments Plc. 'Elite', the Elite logo, the Elite Dangerous logo, 'Frontier' and the Frontier logo are registered trademarks of Frontier Developments plc. All rights reserved.

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