What is included in Early Access?

Users new to Era.S Decode will find a complete Arena multiplayer experience, with a full cast of playable characters, & all the core elements that compose the whole infrastructure of our Stage 1 Gameplay experience.

Ranked Playlists, Complete 30 Hours+ of Unlockable World Lore, Parties (in alpha-testing. Will be released by end of Summer'24), 8 dynamic competitive maps in very powerful highly optimized Unreal Engine 5 graphics, along with ultra fast, fun & fair balanced versus play. If you want to experience the best gameplay that multiplayer shooter has to offer, you have come to the right place.

What is the current state of the game?

While the gameplay foundation of our Arena is absolute top-notch quality in its immersive dynamics, we as the developers intend to go above & beyond to take our playerbase to a ever more complex skillful strategic meta of core mechanics....in the sense of adding new weapons, character abilities, Objective Modes like CTF & Ball, a MP System with elemental attacks (expected release by Autumn 2024). Even in the current Phase I of early access, players will find a very satisfying healthily stacked meta of Arena Play.

Notably, our Armory won't be accessible till August'24 that will make a host of immensely original variations of character attire & gun skins available all unlockable via in-game play with our membership pass.

Users can expect a relatively bug-free & very stable experience that won't interfere much, if at all with their play sessions on Era.S Decode.

How long will the game be in Early Access?

Truly, a tricky question.
Because Era.S Decode will be a ever expanding project for going into the years forward, it can be difficult to draw the line of "Early Access" & "Full Sequel New Installment". This is due to the love we developers have for this Universe, & want to have ongoing implementations of grand new hardcore raw otherly gameplay modes from the earlier versions of the game.

While right now we are releasing in what will fall nothing short of any other AAA Multiplayer Game out on the market as a complete Arena experience. We want to keep the Era.S world fresh by moving towards a Open-World RPG experience, with month to month new areas opened & revolutionary mechanics to whole systems that weren't in previous game metas. We will be continuously surprising our patron community with unexpected innovative features with intense depths of long hours resembling nothing like any other gameplay integrations we are hosting. The Arena is only a starting point for the much grander vision we have for the digital platform of Era.S Decode.

How often will you be updating the game?

Weekly patches should be the expected by our playerbase. We don't believe in these long stagnant durations of non-fulfilled promises by the developers who say they are going to make exciting changes, yet the community has to wait half a year before it ever sees the light of latest playable build.

We are pledging to be the most active developer in always being involved with our community, constantly upkeeping Era.S Decode with fun, exciting, involved new content that will make the game feel awesome & refreshing to the senses every 7-day window, rather than it being your favorite game that's replayability is for long months & years of only ever seeing the same thing over & over. Cosmic Sagas is dedicated to a extremely high standard of novelty rating to keep our players engaged with a game that is never the same & always bringing forth originality per every weekly login.

Will my progress be saved during updates?

Progress currently consists of Ranks, Win Progression Status Emblems, & Lifetime Stats. We are going to do our best to see that these will never be reset & it foreseeably won't ever need to do so, only if a cataclysmic code foundational bug occurs that requires us to make that move.

In other words, all plans are that any progress will be saved from any time played now in Early Access till moving into any future version of the game.

Will the price change when the game leaves Early Access?

The price will always remain free, with our all-inclusive Armory Pass at $6.00 per month. There will never be any endlessly individually priced microtransactions...all new content will be unlockable at no extra cost + there will be entire new published games, included with the premium membership.

Can I provide feedback and bug reports?

Yes, we will have a message box section in game to report any bugs & where we can hear your feedback.
You may also send a email to our support via contacting [email protected],
Thank you.

We hope you are as excited about the future of Era.S Decode as we are! There are a lot of very major content updates coming.