Football Manager 25 contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
Football Manager 25
Football Manager 25
The future starts with FM25. After two decades of innovation, this is year one of a new legacy.
Here’s a taste of what’s in store…
Every career begins with a choice. When it comes to selecting a club, the newly-licensed Premier League raises your immersion to new levels. Compete in the world’s biggest domestic league or break new ground as Women’s Soccer makes its series debut, seamlessly joining the men’s game. One world, one ecosystem.
With this influx of star power, FM25 has more playable leagues and nations than ever before. The largest player database in soccer gaming has been propelled to new heights.
Flex your tactical prowess or uncover your style as you go, unlocking the joy of watching your team play soccer how you want it to be played. Whatever Matchday throws at you, feel the passion of every passage of play with our switch to the Unity engine - FM’s greatest technical and visual advancement for a generation. These are the new foundations for our new era of soccer management.
A slicker, smarter UI delivers key info when you need it, empowering you to delve deeper to gain the edge on your rivals. New, volumetric player animations from real soccer matches and enhanced graphical fidelity elevate the Matchday experience. Get ready to live your game.
Uncover a new era of management that takes you to the very heart of soccer and unlocks passion that no other game can rival.
Football Manager 25 System Requirements
Windows 10, Windows 11 - with updates
Windows 11 - with updates
Desktop: Intel Core i3-530 or AMD FX-4100 Laptop: Intel Core i3-330M or AMD A6-5200
Desktop: Intel Core i5-9600 or AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Laptop: Intel Core i5-1035G7 or AMD
4 GB
12 GB
20 GB
20 GB
Desktop: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 or AMD Radeon R9 380 or Intel HD 530 Laptop: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960M or AMD Radeon R9 M375 or Intel HD 530
Desktop: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 or AMD Radeon RX 5600 XT Laptop: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 Mobile or AMD Radeon RX 6600M 1GiB VRAM
DirectX 11
DirectX 11
These spcs allow for the game to be played in 1080p with graphics settings at "Low". 64-bit processor and operation system are required.
These spcs allow for the game to be played in 1080p with graphics settings at "High". 64-bit processor and operation system are required.
Login Accounts Required
Epic Games
Languages Supported
AUDIO: English, TEXT: Arabic, English, Chinese - Simplified, French, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish - Spain, Turkish
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