Why Early Access?

Formula Evolution 2024 is the first release aiming to capture the evolution of formulas in the Engine Evolution franchise. The world of formulas expands, featuring more interesting racing venues, new balancing challenges, and much more! Introducing this much content will bring a whole new set of challenges to tackle at the Early Access phase.

Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

About 2-4 months.

How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?

The full version is planned to contain more tracks and vehicles, bringing new balancing challenges. Also, the physics of all vehicles is to be developed in order to be easier to handle while improving the feel of the ride.

What is the current state of the Early Access version?

You are able to experience action-packed races on 15 tracks with 30 vehicles.

Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?

The prices will be the same.

How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?

I am looking forward to reviews of testers and their feedback. I will make my best as always to incorporate as many adjustments based on feedback as possible into the game. Any gameplay feedback will be greatly welcome as well. The easiest way to contact me and have a discussion with me and other players is via Discord: https://discord.gg/a48kZ9xkE5 (Opens in new tab)

What happens with my progress and purchases from Steam? What happens with my stuff if any future additions are released?

All past and future progress is shared; you can switch platforms as you wish.

What in-app or in-game purchases are offered in your product?

Gold currency, which can be used to purchase motorbikes with special skins and boost income.

Can your product be used without making any in-app purchases?


Are in-app purchases refundable?

Sadly no, you can contact the developer using Discord if any problem is raised https://discord.gg/a48kZ9xkE5 (Opens in new tab)

What payment platform is used to facilitate these purchases?

Epic EOS