House Flipper - Garden DLC

Have you ever thought of becoming a gardener? Thanks to Garden Flipper DLC it is now possible. Mow the lawn, hew unwanted trees, tear out weeds and prepare your garden for a complete makeover!

House Flipper - Garden DLC

Become a gardener!

Have you ever thought of becoming a gardener? Thanks to Garden Flipper DLC it is now possible!
Before you'll start planting trees and plants you'll need to get rid of trash and rubble.
Mow the lawn, hew unwanted trees, tear out weeds and prepare your garden for a complete makeover! Map paths out, plant new trees and bushes and set flowerbeds.

Explore completely new orders and discover innovative mechanics, which we've designed in association with professional gardeners!
Step by step, sink in the world of plants. Transform desolated gardens into beautiful masterworks - let them shine under you

Don't limit yourself!

In Garden Flipper, you're the one who decides how your garden looks like!
Do you prefer widespread gardens of the Palace of Versailles or the minimalistic style of Zen gardens?
Don't limit yourself! Let your garden shine for you and make your neighbors jealous of it! Make appraisers fight for it!
And if you like, put your feet up and relax in the sanctuary of silence and peace which will calm your senses and will give you the energy to implement new ideas in the next houses!

House Flipper Ratings & Reviews

Game Informer

by Jeff Marchiafava

6 / 10

Flipping your first few houses is fun, but the game doesn't have the scope or flexibility to stay interesting for long


by Jordan Devore

6 / 10

House Flipper manages to scratch a specific itch, but it lacks long-term incentives and just generally feels like a missed opportunity. With more content, polish, interactivity, and customization, this could become a nice sleeper hit. It's serviceable as is, but it won't hold your attention for too long.

God is a Geek

by Nicola Ardron

6 / 10

House Flipper is a simulation game where you purchase and do up houses to sell for profit to do it all over again. It is mindless and monotonous, but there is catharsis in cleaning things up and returning them to some semblance of order.

Reviews provided by OpenCritic

House Flipper System Requirements



OS version

Windows 7 (64-bit) or newer

OS version

Windows 10 64bit


i5-6500 | Ryzen 5 1600


Intel Core i5-8400 / AMD Ryzen 5 2600






GeForce GTX 780 / Radeon HD 7970


GeForce GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 580


10 GB available space


10 GB available space

Login Accounts Required

Epic ID

Languages Supported

  • Audio: English

  • Text: English, Polish, German, French, Italian, Spanish (Spain), Russian, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Japanese, Korean, Romanian, Turkish, Hungarian, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Greek, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Portuguese (Brazil), Spanish (Latin America)

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