I Was a Teenage Exocolonist

Spend your teenage years on an alien planet in this narrative RPG with card-based battles. Explore, grow up, and fall in love. The choices you make and skills you master over ten years will determine the course of your life and the survival of your colony.

The Choices You Make, Make You.

Growing up in humanity’s first extrasolar space colony means navigating a new world full of wonder, danger, and beauty. Explore the wilderness, study, fall in love, discover strange creatures, and deal with the consequences of your actions. Your choices will directly affect the lives of your friends and the fate of the colony. What kind of world will you help make? Will you survive to enjoy it? Why do you remember doing this before?

Growing Up on an Alien Planet

You have your whole life ahead of you. Will you spend it studying in school, or diving into the intriguing flora and fauna of this new world? Will you introduce space-age technology, or live in harmony with nature? Will you battle massive beasts, or nurture future generations? Realized in brilliant watercolor, the world of Vertumna is yours to explore.

Your Pasts and Your Futures Matter

Everything you learn and experience will make you and your colony stronger. You will thrive and you will make mistakes. These formative moments - your memories, decisions, and friendships - become collectible cards you carry with you. Each season brings new obstacles on Vertumna. The battle cards you earn from your experiences give you new options for overcoming these challenges, whether that is navigating relationships, learning new skills, exploring the planet, or staying alive. Every decision counts, during this life and the next.

How Many Lives Will YOU Live?

The cosmos is full of incredible mysteries, and your ability to remember your past lives is one of them. There are dozens of different endings to your story. How many lives will it take to save both your colony and the planet? Are you ready to wake up again?


  • Use memories of past lives to explore 800+ story events.

  • Discover more than 250 battle cards as you grow up on an alien planet.

  • Play your best hand in challenge encounters to ace your math test or escape from a wild snapbladder.

  • Make friends, fight with your parents, go on dates, fall in love, and save the colony.

  • 30 wildly different endings based on the choices you make each month.

  • Pick from 25 colony jobs, like goofing off as a depot clerk, or surveying the valley.

  • Grow into 15 skills, including bravery, toughness, organization, and empathy.

  • Get to know 10 dateable characters, including dog-boys, aliens, hot politicians and stone cold killers.

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Epic Player Ratings

Captured from players in the Epic Games ecosystem.


I Was a Teenage Exocolonist Ratings & Reviews


by Nathan Birch

9 / 10

I Was a Teenage Exocolonist is an engrossing social sim that offers up deep roleplaying and a wonderfully-realized universe, with fun collectible card game mechanics as a bonus. Perhaps more importantly, it’s one of the best distillations of growing up I’ve ever encountered in a video game. It doesn’t matter if you’ve left the era long behind, don’t miss out on getting these teenage kicks.

Rice Digital

by Lilia Hellal

I may have some complaints about the game’s overall design choices and gameplay mechanics, but I will certainly give it another playthrough or two and may well change my mind. If that ends up being the case, you’ll all be the first to know, as there’s a ton of potential here. And in the meantime, if you like what you’ve seen and heard so far, you’ll almost certainly find something of worth here — so I encourage you to check it out for yourself.


by Nicole Clark

Teenage Exocolonist rounds out to a moving, challenging coming-of-age story with genuine stakes and exceptional replayability. If you don’t like the way things went — and in early playthroughs, you probably won’t — there’s always your next life. There are more friends to be made, more crises to avert. With 30 potential endings, the options abound.

Reviews provided by OpenCritic

I Was a Teenage Exocolonist System Requirements



OS version

Windows 7 (SP1+), Windows 10 and Windows 11

OS version

Windows 10 (64bit) and up


x86, x64 architecture with SSE2 instruction set support.


Intel Core i5-4690k / AMD Athlon 3000G






DX10, DX11, DX12 capable.


Nvidia GTX 970 4GB / AMD R9 290 4GB


DirectX 10


2 GB available space


5 GB available space

Additional input device


Languages Supported

  • Audio: N/A

  • Text: English

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