Pax Dei contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
Why Early Access?
Our game requires a community to come alive. What’s a Social Sandbox MMO without players? We’ve reached the stage where we need a live game to keep progressing.
Help decide the final shape of the game. The feedback from our Founders will guide us as we improve what we already have, and decide what to build next.
Support the project. We’ll reinvest the revenue from Early Access into making the game better and bigger.
By becoming a Founder, you are directly helping fulfill our vision of a living, breathing world you can inhabit for years to come. Thank you for your support!
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
With the game still heavily in development, a lot will actually depend on the feedback from our Founders! Pax Dei’s Early Access is scheduled to last until at least June 2025, possibly longer.
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
The foundations of Pax Dei are already in place, with a peaceful gameplay loop (gathering, crafting, building) inviting you to claim a home in a large, shared & persistent open world ; and an adventure gameplay loop, with large areas to explore (PVE) and compete over (PVP). We’ve recently added the third core pillar of the game, the social gameplay loop, by introducing features such as markets and gold economy.
During Early Access, we’ll expand the game in all directions. Head over to to follow our progress.
And it’s just the beginning! Our goal is to gather a large enough community to keep adding content and features to Pax Dei for years after the initial release.
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
Pax Dei is still heavily in development and not yet feature-complete. We expect all aspects of the game will require balancing and polish.
Throughout Early Access, we plan to expand the game in terms of content and systems.
Major updates will require us to wipe the game - reset the world and/or the progression and have everybody start over.
We will do our best to keep such wipes as few and far between as possible. The last wipe will happen at the official release of the game.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
The final business model and pricing are not defined yet, but our overall approach is similar to the classic MMORPGs subscription model.
After Early Access, Pax Dei will require a one-off initial purchase, giving access to the game & one or more plot(s) for a limited period of time; followed by a recurring fee for ongoing game access, which will vary based on the number of plots a player wishes to maintain.
By purchasing a Founder’s Pack now:
You get unlimited access to the game, along with the specified amount of plots, for the entire duration of Early Access (i.e., at least until June 2025).
You are already covering the initial purchase cost required at full-game release.
You get character slots and exclusive recipes that you will retain permanently.
Last but not least, you are directly supporting the project.
The Founder’s Pack you pick now doesn’t commit you to anything past Early Access. We will be transparent about our future pricing plans and provide more details as we approach the official release.
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
Our Discord server (Opens in new tab) is the central hub for our community. As Founders, you’ll have access to specific channels to bring your suggestions and feedback directly to our team. This will help define the final shape of the game.
The world we’re making is a stage for the players to fill. We can’t wait to see all the stories that will emerge. Join us!