Project Warlock II contains content that is unrated and may not be appropriate for all ages.
Why Early Access?
The original Project Warlock was one developer’s passion project that went through a number of iterations and picked up a great crew along the way. Their combined effort made the game that to this day receives updates and improvements based on players' feedback. This time we want to give you access to the game early on, so the final product can become an explosive and enjoyable mix of our ideas and your expectations.
Approximately how long will this game be in Early Access?
We estimate up to 1 year of Early Access. We know that we’ll need about 4-6 months for each of the two remaining chapters in order to deliver the quality we want. We’ll also continue refining the first chapter based on your feedback. The first chapter is already in the final playtesting phases, while the work on the second is well underway. We aim to keep this schedule but it might change over time.
How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version?
The full game will consist of 3 single-player chapters set in distinct worlds and each with a different playable Warlock character. Each character has their own skills, perks, unique weapons, and magic skills to unlock.
What is the current state of the Early Access version?
This version gives you access to the complete first chapter in which you play as Palmer.
Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
Yes. We feel it’s only fair to let the people who believe in Project Warlock II from early on and is willing to share their thoughts on a title in development pay a bit less than the folks who are perfectly fine with waiting until the whole game is finished.
How are you planning on involving the Community in your development process?
We will gather user feedback through a dedicated form and participate in forum discussions. We’ll provide a milestone plan for game updates and deliver news on the game as it is being developed. Even by simply playing the game, you will already help us by providing crucial metrics allowing us to refine difficulty levels, enemies, weapons, and the overall map design.